Hi Everyone,
I am the owner of 4C Creatives and the information about my company that has been written on this forum is incorrect and untrue. Actually, the truth is it's Doncaster Belles FC that owe us money for the domain name registration and hosting of their website. This has been outstanding since early April 2017. The website has always worked correctly but some of the members couldn't work out the simple maths equation in order to login. I've actually cleaned the website due to hackers hacking it, this was due to some of the members passwords wbeen very weak, I've also added security so it doesn't happen again! All this was done free of charge, I see there has been no mentioned by Brian Bentley who is not actually Chaiman of the board for DBFC he is just a board member. For the time been, I have taken away the login privileges and placed the domain in my company name until the outstanding payment has been made.
Brian Bentley is not a nice man and has done nothing but slander my business name across the internet. He is also a competitor and runs a company that is called Google Geeks Marketing in Doncaster. I believe he is behind us not getting paid for the outstanding balance owed as he has done nothing but stir up trouble! I suspect it is because he wants to steal the business from ourselves for his own gain.