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Wish I knew about this site 3 years ago.

Mar 1, 2024
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After dipping my toe into the domain name world, about 10 years back, I struggled with .co.uk domains, only managing to shift them correctly when paired with a .com.

Focusing on the I.T support market, is there a general downturn in domain names now that they are vanity products, rather than a search engine bonus?

Looking forward to trawling through the entries to try and come up with an answer.
I don't see them as vanity products generally. There are still domains with traffic and domains with development potential being bought, sold, and developed each day. Yes the exact match se bonus has gone but domains can still be developed to take advantage of search engines or good business ideas.
After dipping my toe into the domain name world, about 10 years back, I struggled with .co.uk domains, only managing to shift them correctly when paired with a .com.

Focusing on the I.T support market, is there a general downturn in domain names now that they are vanity products, rather than a search engine bonus?

Looking forward to trawling through the entries to try and come up with an answer.

They are not vanity they are one of the best investments a company can make getting the correct domain name can increase your revenue and your competition. In the UK not many people know this that why I educate people about the value of domain names having bought and sold many thousands.

.Com is a another market what sells in .COM won't always sell in co.uk the market is still great :)

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