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  1. WiganWebs

    Is your site overly SEO'd?

    The bottom line is, Google wants everything to be natural, so make it look natural. Over optimising a keyword is like waving the white flag at them.
  2. WiganWebs

    Adsense alternatives

    There is Chitika, which used to be popular a few years ago, not sure about now though, but I still see it on quite a number of websites still. Also, try Infolinks, Bidvertiser or Clicksor. I have not tried those last three, but I have known about them, so your probably better digging for...
  3. WiganWebs

    Whats the most important thing you have learned domaining?

    You need to have a good amount of patience :p
  4. WiganWebs

    SEO Person Wanted

    {edited, sorry}
  5. WiganWebs

    Payment Advice

    Its not the buyer I dont trust, its the Internet as a whole. People can prove themselves to be honest traders but there are scammers out there and as this is the Internet you never know when you are talking to one. I guess a lot of people think like this when they make their first big money...
  6. WiganWebs

    Payment Advice

    Hi Greywing, thank you for answering. I ruled out Paypal and Escrow simply as the sum of money would be crippled with charges. Is it probably better to go direct wire transfer straight to bank then? Just send them my sort code and account number so they can make the transfer (I am assuming that...
  7. WiganWebs

    Payment Advice

    Hi, sorry, I couldn't find somewhere to post this, so I thought it appropriate here. Please feel free to move mods :) I am after some advice about taking payment for a website I am selling. The website is going for a 4 figure sum so its not a small amount of money, but this is the first time...
  8. WiganWebs


    Probably difficult to value for me, but I am thinking from a developement perspective. Suited for a hobby/craft site so you have to think of the possible revenue it can bring to pay the bills. Amazon Associates and Adsense are suited towards content sites, probably selling art books, etc, but...
  9. WiganWebs


    Hey, thats not a bad idea :) I'm pretty good with the ol' SEO type stuff so I have a few suggestions to take this one forward. Thanks.
  10. WiganWebs


    I think I'll throw a quick website up and rent it out to a local company for pretty cheap, I could probably also SEO it around installation services. I'll try to add value by adding backlinks and redesign at a later date. Thanks again
  11. WiganWebs


    Darn, I didn't think of that. Development it is then to make use of those broad keywords. Thanks for the advice.
  12. WiganWebs


    Another domain picked up today is cheapbath.co.uk - good for value? 40,500 local searches (Is Google KW tool reliable?) Not sure what to do with it atm, park until decided. I understand that when developed will probably be worth more, but only when time allows me to :(
  13. WiganWebs


    Hi, just picked this up clocksuk.co.uk the .com is up for sale at $6000 (although I dont know if that is the true value). 40,500 local searches and a 8 letter domain. Is it worth more than the reg fee or should I park and develop later? Thank you
  14. WiganWebs


    Hi, I have been doing a little bit of research and trying to find out how best to value a domain name. I was forwarded to the website called Namebio and I read that you can get a good idea of what people are willing to pay for a domain name. I typed in ink cartridge and there was one that was...
  15. WiganWebs


    A new purchase for me, one I am going to park and maybe develop at a later date, but it is now in my domain portfolio. besttent.co.uk I have been trying to find that formula on here and cant find it, I read it in a thread yesterday and lost it. Something to do with comparing it to the PPC...
  16. WiganWebs


    According the the wayback machine they had the .co.uk domain/online store which was shut down in 2008 as they merged with another company. Thats all I can find out though. How do I check for proper domain history? According to the wayback machine this .com version I have, the registration...
  17. WiganWebs


    Hi, I picked this up today and was wondering if it held any value? I am considering developing on it anyway, but curiosity has got the best of me - the domain has a bit of US history but I am considering bringing it to UK hosting to develop a new ink cartridge website on it...
  18. WiganWebs

    _co_uk MyInkCartridge.co.uk

    I may be open to offers for this website. I am also thinking of putting it up for sale on Flippa next week, maybe wednesday/thursday and looking at other alternatives for its sale. Kind regards Terry : WiganWebs
  19. WiganWebs

    _co_uk MyInkCartridge.co.uk

    Hi, you weren't seeing things, it did go down for 10 minutes. I sorted that out pretty much straight away, I didn't update my subscription with my hosts, as with the VAT increase, I underpaid for the last two months and didn't realise, but its sorted now. I owed them a small sum of money without...
  20. WiganWebs

    _co_uk MyInkCartridge.co.uk

    I am selling this website because I cannot commit any more time to it, I am starting a new job at the end of the month and am trying to get some cash together. myinkcartridge.co.uk The domain has been registered for over 2 years and has had nearly 500 sales generated through it. Its not...
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