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Quick SEO Wins

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Apr 28, 2005
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Looking to get my act together on a few sites. Anybody got any good tips for a few quick wins seo-wise?

I realise life is a lot harder now than throwing up a small site on an EMD but hopefully some of you have a few tips that give a push in the right direction.

Looking to get my act together on a few sites. Anybody got any good tips for a few quick wins seo-wise?

I realise life is a lot harder now than throwing up a small site on an EMD but hopefully some of you have a few tips that give a push in the right direction.


"No linky, no ranky" a great SEO I know once said.

As ever, the most important thing to rank is strong, quality, one way relevant links.
"No linky, no ranky" a great SEO I know once said.

As ever, the most important thing to rank is strong, quality, one way relevant links.

It was the best advice I was once given - and Doug should know!
Thanks. Interesting that despite everything you read on SEO forums then that above all else links still work?

You are going to need good quality links, but a good SEO strategy starts at home. Start by making sure your site is optimised and compliant...

If you really want to be quick then start by ensuring every page has a unique H1 tag and page title that follow standards and are optimised for the desired keywords. Research the keywords you wish to target using Google's keyword tool and be observing competitors. For each of the main landing pages create some unique copy and ensure your site follows a logical hierarchical structure that is also recorded in an XML sitemap.

This shouldn't take too long, but is only part of the journey. once you've got some good landing pages you can then look at link building and your social strategy.

Things have moved on a bit over the past year, but the following should help regarding some quick onsite tips http://www.acorndomains.co.uk/search-engine-optimisation/99114-new-site-checklist.html
I get emails all the time from people asking me to remove links from my sites. Even affiliate companies (who give links in their affiliate codes) have asked me to remove links from my sites doh!

So a low quality link is worse than no links at all? What do you use to appraise links and their quality?

I get emails all the time from people asking me to remove links from my sites. Even affiliate companies (who give links in their affiliate codes) have asked me to remove links from my sites doh!

So a low quality link is worse than no links at all? What do you use to appraise links and their quality?


Mostly people are overly paranoid because they believe everything they read and take it to the extreme.

Sometimes it's also because they've gone crazy with the anchor text rather than because of your site.

I use SEOmoz scores (general gauge) plus PR (hints at Google juice penalisation, if any) plus checking the backlinks to the site.
When sourcing links is the preference now for within article links rather than other types?

I'd say so Brassneck although its a guess on my part, it seems to be working well for me. I do know that sitewide footer links were demoted, as were blog comment links.
When sourcing links is the preference now for within article links rather than other types?


Natural is the name of the game.

I wouldn't say specifically article links, but a link in a relevant article on the topic of your site is much more natural than a footer or sidebar link.

^ Saying that, I don't like article directories, obvious link farms.

Other things I stay away from (as noted above) are sitewide links + also going heavy on keyword anchor text, for the majority of my links I like to have "mybrand.co.uk" as the anchor text or "my brand" because I have always found that the majority of natural links I do receive always use my brand as the anchor text, of course maybe the occasional "here" etc but I wouldn't build anchor text with that.

I think it's important to say quality over quantity with links also, id rather have 10 really fantastic links than 1000 crap ones, Id rather have no links than 1000 crap ones though lol.

Sourcing quality links of course isn't easy, especially depending on your niche, I have worked on a range of sites including fashion and exhibition sites and it's night and day building links, the internet is your oyster for getting fashion links but having a exhibition b2b site is a real slog.

If you need a quality link in the future though I will potentially be able to help you out (niche depending), I've acquired some pretty authoritative domains, just shoot me a pm.
Mostly people are overly paranoid because they believe everything they read and take it to the extreme.

Sometimes it's also because they've gone crazy with the anchor text rather than because of your site.

I use SEOmoz scores (general gauge) plus PR (hints at Google juice penalisation, if any) plus checking the backlinks to the site.

Just to add to Blossoms post I also check the links to the site, but a very important factor is "HOW LONG HAVE THE LINK BEEN IN PLACE".

Check how long the links to the site have been in place; adding a bigger trust factor to the links (also checing the anchor text, if the site is in my niche and they have links with anchor text in the links I like sometimes copy that anchor text).

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What's a good strategy for acquiring links without having to pay for tools (or services) to find potential sites & how do you go about approaching the site owner?
What's a good strategy for acquiring links without having to pay for tools (or services) to find potential sites & how do you go about approaching the site owner?

Method 1:

  1. Find relevant sites using Google - getting to know some of the advanced search operators can help
  2. Run their site through a broken link checker, something like Xenu's Link Sleuth (free)
  3. Add/alter a page on/to your site relevant to the broken link
  4. Email site owner saying they currently have a broken link and suggest they link to your page instead

Method 2:

Another method similar to above but using a different way of identifying relevant sites is here

Method 3:

And then there is this post on LeavingWorkBehind which is an example rather than an explanation. The blogger creates a vanity list of influential people within his niche and contacts them all to let them know resulting in lots of inbound links from related sites.

Method 4:
This is a good post about building decent links and also goes into more detail about the actual contacting of the site owners.

All four can work but it strongly depends what you are trying to get them to link to.
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What's a good strategy for acquiring links without having to pay for tools (or services) to find potential sites & how do you go about approaching the site owner?

For me I looked at my competitors first and then competitors in niches close to mine (looking at their links quick and easy, still took up a lot of time thought).

Then the hard... bit I looked for links in and around by niche that my competitors didn’t have (this is where it paid off but also took up a huge amount of time, and then some time after a couple of my competitors also popped up one or two of these sites :) ).

Asking webmasters for links and offering a webmaster fee etc at the start wasn’t have much luck.

I then got a leading expert in my field to create unique copy / info among other things; then again I asked webmasters for links back to these pages (not my home page or money pages) and offering a webmaster fee had a much much better result rate.

For me it taught me for the juicy high quality links there needed to be something link worthy to link back to or it didn’t work.

P.s this is what worked for me...

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