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  1. fraggle123


    bookflights.info. Open to offers for this one. Cheers.
  2. S

    _co_uk CompareFlights

    We acquired this site a couple of years ago and planned to turn it into a brand with online and offline advertising campaigns - akin to cheapflights.co.uk. We spent £2k developing logos, artwork etc for the purpose, and also acquired three domains for Germany, France and Italy (which we'd...
  3. essexway


    http://www.ebay.com/itm/370563537955? http://www.britaintravel.co.uk .
  4. essexway


    http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BritainTra.../370559133982? Great address for Travel agent/Tour operator http://www.britaintravel.co.uk/
  5. VSC

    _org_uk FlightstoIreland

    FlightsToIreland.org.uk Ready to develop. Very low traffic at present, hence looking for offers from £10.00 + VAT and Nom fee.
  6. D

    For Sale www.airtravelforless.co.uk

    Good potential, especially now when there are all those compare sites, etc. PRICE DROP - Now only £80 including nominet fee!
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