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Best host to have 200 small wordpress sites

You can use our dedicated server with Plesk - easy to manage and quick - i've had 500 sites on it before with high traffic and 1000 domains no problem
@Ryan Ewen can you pm me who you have your dedi server with then i can look into. I would prefer to use my own then i am responsible for it :)
As someone who has many servers. Have a look at OVH if the site needs a UK host or Hetzner if you're wanting a bit more value for money but are ok with a bit of latency.
£19.90/year with us (HostMaria.com).

you can ask @Sam for the feedback.

the same that 20i sells here: https://www.20i.com/web-hosting , only cheaper, unlimited sites, much more allowances, and, with all the all the premium features.

.. if you choose to get it, let me know and I will enable ssh for you (note: 'sudo', of course, is disabled)

Great hosting and I’m not just saying that I have my own dedicated server and VPS server for some sites but hostmaria hosting is good and with the right tweaks you can get it just as fast as a VPS.

£19.90/year with us (HostMaria.com).

you can ask @Sam for the feedback.

the same that 20i sells here: https://www.20i.com/web-hosting , only cheaper, unlimited sites, much more allowances, and, with all the all the premium features.

.. if you choose to get it, let me know and I will enable ssh for you (note: 'sudo', of course, is disabled)

Cheers Helmuts, i have been using 20i for years and they are ok for the average jo websites but what i need i need more power. I have ordered a dedi so hopefully this will feed my need :)

of course :)

.. usually for more power, you add more PHP resources. :) All good, of course, :)

contabo offers nice VPSs: https://contabo.com/en/vps/ .. £7/month plans should be fine to start testing how many WP sites you can get on 1 VPS: https://contabo.com/en/vps/
.. the issue is: times by times there are downtime, though always resolved in decent times.

Best of success!!
You can do static sites on cloudflare pages. 25,000 files and 25mb limit as part of free plan. You can also do static sites on Github for free.
Brilliant shout.

I have a few static websites hosted on Cloudflare workers, but Cloudflare pages makes getting up and running super easy when you use their tooling. So many technologies supported as well.

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