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Divesting my web properties


Staff member
Jun 14, 2004
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I'm starting to get my head around divesting of my various web properties as I prepare for early retirement.

A couple of them in summary,

1. A UK forum (not this one) which is the number 1 forum in its niche in the UK. Unpaid mods run the site, zero work, completely passive income (adsense, banner ads, member subs). Asking price high £XK / highest bidder (which is a very fair multiple)

2. A global .com facebook style social network site for gay girls - was a big thing (over 100k users) but I was totally out of my depth with developing it and a bit clueless on how to monetise it. It took me over a year to get an iOS and android app developed and it nearly killed me ...because i lost the will to live. Suits anyone prepared to delete t1ts and f*nnes before breakfast....lol. No, I don't do that anymore. It ranks page 1 Google globally for terms relevant to the audience. Earnings are a bit shot and not sure what id take for it.

3. A .com global site chronicling the most beautiful places in the World. Its an SEO powerhouse of a site. It naturally acquires its own backlinks all the time from some fantastic sites (high domain authority). It outranks wikipedia for some terms. All organic traffic, very high DA site. Again, completely neglected monetisation wise, just adsense and a few bits. Should have done it years ago but now just looking into affiliates like commission junction but really that would be me going in the wrong direction and I should let someone else take the reigns. I want a very high multiple for this one because its a beauty and the domain is also valuable.
Wasn't going to put this one up for sale but might as well:

4. An old 'free website templates' site (actually 2 websites) on UK domains. Organic ranking for some big volume terms (ranks globally on google.com page 1). Makes some adsense income but really most of the income is just from a few advertisers who have been onboard for years. Couldnt be more passive. Paypal subs. No work. Income is £5K p.a potential to do much more - Asking £25K or best offer
Thanks for all the contacts, I hope I've replied to almost everyone. These sites are all over 10 years old and make passive income, they are not dodgy flippa sites. The delusional tyre kickers who think they can buy such a property that will fully pay for it's outlay in 2 years need not apply. Nobody will sell a decent site for that low a return unless they are desperate. Thanks again for all the enquiries.

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