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Google adwords

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Mar 2, 2007
Reaction score
How much success have you people had with this ?

Just started my first ever campaign, not happy being charged 83p per click but what choice do i have ?

Cheap keywords are barely searched for and not that relevant :???:

Your experiences please :)

Thanks Andy :cool:

That does sound alot, guessing it must be a financial domain, have you researched many long tail phrases... maybe worth a look, could save you a few quid.

It's holiday related, just had a look on Google keyword CPC, going to have to check low cost keywords against the amount of exact searches on local results :confused:

Hoping to pay 20p CPC

Thanks Tricky :evil:
How much success have you people had with this ?

Just started my first ever campaign, not happy being charged 83p per click but what choice do i have ?

Cheap keywords are barely searched for and not that relevant :???:

Your experiences please :)

Thanks Andy :cool:

Hi Andy
I think you need to look further into the whole picture look at your competitors, look at mispellings try to avoid generic terms they bring lots of traffic but sometimes can be too broad for your product or service, look at you ad text try and make your ad more relevant to your keywords, try to avoid ad groups over 25 keywords or more as you can loose relevancy within the ad group.
I agree with the other post, look at longer tailed keywords even though it can mean less traffic it can also mean more relevant traffic, look at where your ads are positioned try to avoid 1 + 2 in my personal opinioun they are extremely overpriced for the return.
I hope this helps if you have any other questions please feel free to get in touch.

Hi, Thanks Mat

Yes i've very suddenly realised just how expensive adwords can be, it was only for an affiliate site and think if they have to click on my ad and then a merchants ad and then look at products and then go through checkout.

The amount of commission earned just isn't going to cover my cost, let alone make a profit :(

Thanks Andy :cool:
Hi Dale,

I need to do some more reading on Adwords, i thought i knew it but i guess i don't :confused:

I get my CPC guide from keyword tool average, didn't realise i could lower my bids, i've seen the option but not looked at it.

2 questions if someone can answer please :)

1/ does your ad show lower on the page if you bid lower ?

2/ my ads been shown thousands of times, do you also get charged per 1000 impressions aswell as when your ad is clicked ?

Many Thanks Andy :cool:
Hi Dale,

I need to do some more reading on Adwords, i thought i knew it but i guess i don't :confused:

I get my CPC guide from keyword tool average, didn't realise i could lower my bids, i've seen the option but not looked at it.

2 questions if someone can answer please :)

1/ does your ad show lower on the page if you bid lower ?

2/ my ads been shown thousands of times, do you also get charged per 1000 impressions aswell as when your ad is clicked ?

Many Thanks Andy :cool:
Andy, Yes, you can lower your maximum bid on any keywords.

Yes, your ads will in theory show lower with a lesser bid.

No, you don't get charged per impression (unless you've set it up that way) - only per click.

Take another look at your setup!


Another good idea is run a lot of keywords on low bids to get the impression results( you will be surprised how high some of your ads still show), You burn some cash this way but you get some important statistics on which keywords ACTUALLY get the traffic, if you do this for long enough and change your bid you can also analyze the difference in impressions VS clicks a higher place gives you,

I started off a campaign this way then upped my bids and paused various sets of keywords for a few days at a time to see which ones converted for me ( by checking the results from the affiliate partner i was sending them to ).

Another approach is to go for long tail phrases and avoid more common generic phrases that are at the base of a keyword tree, for example;

beds - level 1
leather beds - level 2

These phrases are often more expensive as they are the most obvious phrases people decide to bid on and offer less of a conversion rate, as people could be typing these for a number of reasons

Check these estimated type in results next to there average CPC.

Keywords................Avg. CPC........Local Search
[leather beds].............1.38.............18100
[leather bed]...............1.04.............12100
[cheap leather beds]....1.58.............1300
[leather bed for sale]....0.04.............880
[cheap leather bed]......1.21.............320
[leather beds for sale]...0.04............170
[buy leather bed]..........0.04.............16

( for people that don't know on goggles keyword tool in the drop down box marked "Choose columns to be displayed" there is a option to display the average CPC )

Out of these phrases i would be considering

cheap leather beds
leather bed for sale
leather beds for sale

Basically try to think of the phrases that show more intent to purchase.
A user typing in 'leather beds for sale' is much more lightly to buy than one who types 'leather beds'
And balance this with the phrases that have high estimated type in( or using your new data actual type in) and ultimately low estimated CPC

'Cheap leather beds' might be more expensive but it is so for a reason, It converts better than 'leather beds',
The rest of what you do to make that click convert once you have paid for it
Is down to where you land the user and how you warm them up to buy,
It is no use paying for clicks if your sending them to a morgue.

To achieve a better quality score ( higher placement for cheaper or higher places for longer)

You want your advert ( and your landing page ) to relate as closely as possible to the words that the user typed in

So if you are bidding on the keywords 'leather beds' you ideally want leather beds somewhere in

1.In the title of the advert
2.in the advert description
3.the URL,
4.the landing page
( without over killing them )

Goggle wants the user to be served the most relevant adverts in relation to the keywords they type,
and rewards these adverts with a better quality score

And what you want
Is for the user to trust that your ad is the right one for them
And that the place it takes them to does what it says on the advert
O and of course, to make you some money when they get there ;)

Bidding on 'Exact' search terms in my opinon is better than 'Broad',
you are in exact control of what keywords generate your adverts, you could be paying for loads of phrases that have your keywords in that dont stand a chance of converting a sale.

Try and keep your ad groups tight.It is alot more work but offers better returns.
For example if your were experimenting with loads of keywords try to keep them in no more than 4 to 6 phrases per Ad

You might want to leave these two on there own

cheap leather beds
cheap leather bed

with a advert title of 'cheap leather beds at xxxx.co.uk'

or add them to

leather beds for sale
leather bed for sale

Then Tailor the ad for that group to have all of those keywords in, Maybe a title like

'cheap leather beds for sale'

you have in this phrase 'cheap leather beds' and ' leather beds for sale '

but if you have time i would personally go for as smaller ad groups as possible, if you relate the ads as much as possible to the groups keywords your quality score will be higher and you stand a good chance of converting better

I finally decided that after i had experimented with all the Keywords i could find for the chosen niche, it would be better focusing on 5 or 6 that i had proven to convert.
Then I re-wrote the adverts for each one of them so that they were all unique and then landed them on parts of the site that were best suited.

Another thing to point out is about placement, i have not experimented much with this but i understand if you know what you are doing you should be able to generate a better return than search. the example i was given was selling ring tones and choosing lyrics sites to put them on

ring tones by the way can be purchased by phone number by ages 16+ , not much else can be bought this way especially by a age group this young

I Hope some of this helps,
But please remember it is just my opinion
Great post RottenSoundz!

As someone who's just looking into the subject that was one of the best summaries I've seen, thanks for sharing

Cheers, Jon
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