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Host advice please

Apr 26, 2020
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Hi, I’ve joined this site in hope someone can help me please. I’m setting up a new website and I’m utterly inexperienced when it comes to computers and things like this. From my research I’ve decided I’m going to go with Wordpress to build the site. However I wanted to ask advice on the best host to go with. Bluehost is suggested by Wordpress but I am based in the uk and would prefer a host company I can talk to on the phone. I have no idea who to choose and your suggestions would be really helpful.
Also if someone could explain to me what a host actually does and what my dealings with the host will be, this would also be immensely helpful. Many thanks for your help and time

Take a look at DigitalOcean, you can create a WordPress droplet for $5 a month and then scale it up as you grow. They have some really good tutorials on their website.

Hi thanks for your message, please can you explain what a droplet is,I am completely new to this. Is this the same as hosting? Many thanks
A "droplet" is what DigitalOcean (DO) call a "virtual machine" (server).. DO "host" the server and take care of it for you. DO offer droplets with WordPress pre-installed, so effectively you get your own private WordPress server in the cloud for as little as $5 a month.

If you are very new, you could just get a WordPress installation directly from WordPress.com
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Right ok I think I’m kind of understanding this thanks for the explanation. So what I’ve learnt so far is I need to build the website so I’ve decided Wordpress over wix. I need to register my domain name and get a host who looks after the website. So am I right in thinking Wordpress can provide a building website and hosting service? So I can have both with them? As I’m sure they recommend Bluehost to host or maybe that’s just for buying a domain name. I basically know I want to use word press to build the site but I’m not sure who I should get hosting with and buy my domain name with. What I’m questioning is once I get my domain name and hosting do I need contact with these again ? Because I’m very untechnical I want to be able to go with someone where if I need contact and help I can do this easily preferably over the phone and I’m based in the uk. I tried buying a domain from Bluehost yesterday and had problems with the payment so I tried contacting them and no one replied to my live chat and it made me realise I need to be able to talk to preferably talk to someone so a uk based company might be better
Many thanks
If you go with WordPress.com they can host the website and also manage the domain name for you. You just need to choose the theme and add/edit the articles/posts. They also have a community forum to answer any questions you might have about using WordPress. I'm not sure if they offer telephone support. It might be easier for you to find someone (maybe an IT student) locally that can help you with how to use it.
If you go with WordPress.com they can host the website and also manage the domain name for you. You just need to choose the theme and add/edit the articles/posts. They also have a community forum to answer any questions you might have about using WordPress. I'm not sure if they offer telephone support. It might be easier for you to find someone (maybe an IT student) locally that can help you with how to use it.
Thanks for your advice it’s really helpful! Ive seen there is Wordpress.org and Wordpress.com do you know what the difference is?
also I want to buy 2 domain names so I’m thinking to buy one with the Wordpress when I buy the website package but because I need to buy another domain ill need to buy this elsewhere. Can you suggest a place I can do this please and also does it matter where you buy it from? What I’m trying to understand is once you buy the domain name what happens after this with the company? Do you just buy it and that’s it or is there ongoing work by the company after this and therefore it’s important to choose wisely who I go with? Many thanks
Can you suggest a place I can do this please and also does it matter where you buy it from?

There are lots of people on this forum that could sell you a premium domain name (.co.uk) if you can't get the one you're after. The domain would then be transferred to your name/email address at another host like Godaddy who would manage it for you and remind you when it needs renewing.
There are lots of people on this forum that could sell you a premium domain name (.co.uk) if you can't get the one you're after. The domain would then be transferred to your name/email address at another host like Godaddy who would manage it for you and remind you when it needs renewing.
Great thanks, I am able to get the domain name I want I just wondered if it mattered where I actually purchased it from many thanks
To keep things simple, I would use a managed host.

I've used Krystal for years and years now, and their support has always been great.

The Amethyst package will be fine for you starting up. If you ever need to upgrade the service just contact their support.

They have one-click install for software, including Wordpress. So very easy to achieve what you are looking for.

If you use the following code at checkout you will get £5 as part of a referral fee:
That’s great thanks, so I’m seeing now that the hosting is where the website sits and it determines speed aswell,
When you say a ‘managed’ just what do you mean by this is this the same as a general hosting ?
To keep things simple, I would use a managed host.

I've used Krystal for years and years now, and their support has always been great.

The Amethyst package will be fine for you starting up. If you ever need to upgrade the service just contact their support.

They have one-click install for software, including Wordpress. So very easy to achieve what you are looking for.

If you use the following code at checkout you will get £5 as part of a referral fee:

I'm with Krystal too and have never really had any complaints. Inexpensive but does the job!
"Managed" means that the hosting service maintains the server. This is pretty standard and suits the needs of the majority, and is probably what you would understand as general hosting, yes.

"Self-managed" refers to what Cyberpunk was suggesting, by using a service like Digital Ocean. This is where you build, manage and maintain your own server.
Excellent right yes so this is what I need as I don’t want to manage this myself thanks for being so helpful
20i.com Relatively young, super support, a very innovative offering and features not available in cpanel and whm etc. UK phone support and dedicated wordpress optimised hosting, cheap as well. I am a client having been with quite a few others...
Just to add another recommendation to the pile, I've been with clook.net for 12+ years and they have been outstanding the whole time.
Yes Ive been with them too, were OK for a while. Id much rather be with anyone like that than any of the paragon groups hosting companies.

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