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This was registered four days ago? And more importantly this isn't a .UK domain.
oh sorry I'm new to the forum I didn't read this properly. Also I'm new to domain name selling so any advice would be appreciated :D
Well I think the first advice is that we aren't mugs on here. Trying to sell a newly registered domain for 4 figures is just going to get silly responses.

The majority of names are sold based on their exact match searches in google (check the google keyword tool). Though some obviously sell on other merits.
ok sorry lol just took a wild guess really at pricing. I thought the name was good. Think the domain would be worth much?
Think the domain would be worth much?

I don't get what it's meant to describe or be related to, so wouldn't have even registered it for the price you paid let alone two, three or four figures. You will learn a lot about what makes a good domain by exploring and reading the forums. :)
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