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.IO domains

Nov 10, 2016
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Sorry for the lame question, but what is the market like currently for .IO domains? I'm currently looking at a couple of opportunities for LLL.io names and wondering if they are worth investigating further.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give.
Hi @rwilliams and welcome.

IO Domains and 3L .io domains in particular are a bit tricky.

It obviously depends on WHICH letters and in which sequence, but I can tell you that in general, you are probably looking at around $30 - $130 per domain on Flippa.

Here is some past sales:

crh.io - $25
azn.io - $45
swi.io - $99
anl.io - $16
nzl.io - unsold
ffb.io - $35
ani.io - $190

Hope this helps.
IO Domains and 3L .io domains in particular are a bit tricky.

It obviously depends on WHICH letters and in which sequence, but I can tell you that in general, you are probably looking at around $30 - $130 per domain on Flippa.

Thanks for the advice, I've dropped a couple from consideration due to the sequence of letters (they were just random). I am still looking into one as it is more readable - its one of those domains with a missing vowel in the middle, although I'm not sure if this is still a trend?

Don't buy .IO at auction unless you have to - there are far too many shills & one big crook in particular.

Thanks for the heads up. The domain I'm currently looking at is a dropped domain so no auction required. I have been a bit awry of auctions, so I will probably avoid them for the time being.
Here are a few examples of .io sales if that helps

cloud.io 45,000 USD 2015-05-29 Flippa
doc.io 24,600 USD 2010-06-16 Sedo
fd.io 19,999 USD 2016-01-03 Park.io
db.io 18,000 USD 2015-08-09 Park.io
tech.io 15,105 USD 2016-02-18 Flippa
tile.io 15,000 USD 2016-07-03 Park.io
music.io 15,000 USD 2016-01-09 Flippa
fast.io 15,000 USD 2015-10-25 Park.io
traffic.io 14,000 USD 2016-01-20 Flippa
crawl.io 12,000 USD 2016-06-26 Park.io
seo.io 11,000 USD 2015-01-25 Flippa
sports.io 11,000 USD 2014-07-16 Sedo
profit.io 10,999 USD 2015-11-15 Park.io
predict.io 10,000 USD 2016-01-31 Park.io
crave.io 10,000 USD 2015-11-08 Park.io
analytics.io 10,000 USD 2015-04-06 Flippa
groups.io 10,000 USD 2014-05-21 Sedo
mega.io 10,000 USD 2014-04-09 Sedo
food.io 10,000 USD 2011-03-09 Sedo
idea.io 8,888 USD 2016-03-18 Flippa

IMO still not worth registering 3L .io domains. You will likely get less than reg fee.

it seems single and double keyword (or EMD) .io domains is doing very well and on the rise...

I personally sold a 2 word plural .io for $799 2 weeks ago, so it can be done.

I also acquired

Hoping for the best.
I'd say that .io is a market for brandables and absolute top end generics, but probably nothing more.
I managed to grab a few top end ones a while back which i continuously get offers on e.g. Loan.io, Mortgages.io etc...

More and more tech startups are adopting .io and .co domains, however, when the serious money starts rolling in more often than not they will try and acquire the .com because previously it was out of their reach...

45.io is my best out of .io
I feel the main market for .io is with the tech startups and brandable word terms related to that market. I have not seen lll.io being especially popular, and it does not have the same appeal to big companies as lll.com. So, I don't see lll.io being that attractive over all the other lesser extensions. Personally I think the difficulty of finding a buyer here is too high for too little reward.

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