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Is Escrow.com a good way to get paid?

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Also had the PM, not very clever spamming the person that complained about your forum spam last time!

I've said it before FairTrial, spamming forums gives the impression that you are a dodgy outfit! I would probably have sent a lot of business your way but I refuse to do business with a company whos main advertising method appears to be spamming!

I've said it before FairTrial, spamming forums gives the impression that you are a dodgy outfit! I would probably have sent a lot of business your way but I refuse to do business with a company whos main advertising method appears to be spamming!

I wouldn't touch Transpact.com with a bargepole as they do a lot of spamming on forums, I remember them last time on here as well. As with anything/anyone that spams on forums or email etc, I also consider them all scammy, regardless of who they are.
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I wouldn't touch Transpact.com with a bargepole as they do a lot of spamming on forums, and as with anything/anyone that spams, I also consider them all scammy, regardless of who they are.

It's your loss.
Thank goodness we live in a free society, and you are free to choose whichever escrow supplier you wish to use.
If you don't want to use Transpact.com, then don't (although living in the Republic of Ireland it seems strange, when they offer a low-cost efficient service in Euros).

You are allowed to hold whatever opinions you like, but you cannot state untruths - there are laws in this regard.
When you state that Transpact.com 'does a lot of spamming on forums' - this is untrue, and this statement must be removed (unless you can provide lots of examples of such spamming in the past two years - and you won't find such as it does not exist).
Oh the 'law' card. I suggest you actually consult a lawyer before you make such a ridiculous statement. The fact is you joined the forum, made one post, then sent UNSOLICITED identical PMs to multiple people. This *is* the definition of spam. A google search shows you performing the same act at other venues. Now do us all a favour and go away.

Just to correct you, I only sent you the PM since at the time I wasn't allowed to post, and didn't think that I would be allowed to.
If I knew that I would be allowed to post (and I was later, and I did) then under no circumstances would I have sent the PM.

And one Google search item about a dispute on a forum over two and a half years ago does not qualify as any kind of proof.

I sincerely apologise to you for wasting your time with the PM - I am sorry - but it was purely a timing issue.
It's your loss.

No, it's not my loss, it's Transpact.com's loss, which is completely due to spammers like you spamming this forum.

If you don't want to use Transpact.com, then don't (although living in the Republic of Ireland it seems strange, when they offer a low-cost efficient service in Euros).

There you go again, you're still trying to spam the virtues of your spammy service to me, by saying it's strange that I don't use them as they're cost efficient blah blah blah haha. Just to add, I don't use any sort of escrow services.

You are allowed to hold whatever opinions you like, but you cannot state untruths - there are laws in this regard.

When you state that Transpact.com 'does a lot of spamming on forums' - this is untrue, and this statement must be removed (unless you can provide lots of examples of such spamming in the past two years - and you won't find such as it does not exist).

Yes, I do hold whatever opinions I like, and anyone that spams forums or sends email spam etc, I consider them all scammy, simple as that, same applies when people send spam messages by PM to members who didn't ask for it, you're a spammer and Transpact are spammy.

Admin had words with Transpact here about their spamming:


Admin said:

I had written to them about the multiple accounts and repeated adverts.

Grant pointed out Transpacts multiple account on Acorn in his post before admins reply, here:


Oh look, one was called fair-trial
If you don't want to use Transpact.com, then don't (although living in the Republic of Ireland it seems strange, when they offer a low-cost efficient service in Euros).

Seriously, you can't even threaten legal action without throwing in some advertising!!

Your appear to search forums for escrow discussions, sign up and post/pm about your services under various usernames (most of them totally unrelated to transpact). Looking around, the only difference I can see in your recent posts is that you sometimes add '[Declaration - I work for Transpact.com]' to the post. You haven't done that here or on other posts I've seen and it gives the impression that you're recommending them rather than working for them.

When you were on here last time you were posting the same kind of posts under numerous usernames. The whole thing makes you and your company look dodgy!

I give up.

Those who are angry, please ignore Transpact.com, I apologise.
Stick with what you know, regardless.
Your appear to search forums for escrow discussions, sign up and post/pm about your services under various usernames (most of them totally unrelated to transpact).

Yes, that's exactly what they do, loads of spammy forum posts from them, this one for example from July 2011, where the original poster is asking for advice about using escrow.com and then Canny Investor posts about Transpact service, which again, is pure spam:


One alternative is using a low-cost escrow service like Transpact . com blah blah blah spammy text

When you were on here last time you were posting the same kind of posts under numerous usernames. The whole thing makes you and your company look dodgy!

Yes, if it appears spammy, then there is a good chance it's scammy, even if it's not, that's how it appears.


Just to add:

Seriously, you can't even threaten legal action without throwing in some advertising!!

Laughable ain't it :lol:

I give up.

Those who are angry, please ignore Transpact.com

I wish I could ignore them, but they keep posting spam so it's hard to ignore :rolleyes: and it's nothing to do with "anger", it's to do with SPAM


Just to add:

(Declaration - I don't work for Transpact.com) :)
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If all you'd done is put a single post with a link to their site and saying transpact is an alternative which also allows gbp transactions. Simple.

We're smart people on here and can judge for ourselves, and nothing galls a techie more than having something shoved in their face!

BTW. I've also used ecop.com in the past for a deal with Marcoose (before I knew who he was on here). Seemed pretty good. No, I don't work for them!
Just to add, I don't use any sort of escrow services.


You don't even use escrow services.
So why are you so outraged ?
Why are you acting like a pit-bull in savaging a service you have no connection with ?

It matters to me that a year and a half after the last thread on AcornDomains that you refer to, users are still paying international bank fees to send money (often converted at a cost to USD) to US banks, when they could pay be paying British pounds to a British bank or Euros to a Eurozone bank at no cost.
If users choose to do so, good luck to them - but let them make that choice out of knowledge and not out of ignorance.
And escrow services in Europe are now a mainstream service.
For example, more than one AcornDomain user vouches for that, and actually takes advantage of these services on a repeat basis.

If you wish can be top-dog - you can have the last word - can it be constructive ?
I'll give you some constructive advice.

When you sign up at a forum, call yourself 'transpact'.

If you don't want to use Transpact.com, then don't (although living in the Republic of Ireland it seems strange, when they offer a low-cost efficient service in Euros).

Replace every 'they' in your spiel with 'we' or 'I'.

Or better still, spend some money on some proper advertising!


You don't even use escrow services.
So why are you so outraged ?
Why are you acting like a pit-bull in savaging a service you have no connection with ?

I'm not angry and outraged, I just don't like spammers, I don't like having to read posts by spammers, and you're spamming on behalf of Transpact.com so deserve to be savaged, as you put it.

It matters to me that a year and a half after the last thread on AcornDomains that you refer to, users are still paying international bank fees to send money (often converted at a cost to USD) to US banks, when they could pay be paying British pounds to a British bank or Euros to a Eurozone bank at no cost.

There you go again, still banging on about things your service may offer, can you not reply without mentioning such things?

If users choose to do so, good luck to them - but let them make that choice out of knowledge and not out of ignorance.

You missed an option off there, let them make that choice out of:

Option 1: knowledge
Option 2: ignorance

more than one AcornDomain user vouches for that, and actually takes advantage of these services on a repeat basis.

wow, more than 1 person, amazing, how many more than one, like 3 or 5? haha

If you wish can be top-dog - you can have the last word - can it be constructive ?

If people want to use your service, that's completely up to them, but all the time you keep spamming forums, you need to be able to take the flack, or better still, don't spam Transpact.com services. I would advise people not to use Transpact.com due to the nature of their multiple forum spamming on here an elsewhere.
When you state that Transpact.com 'does a lot of spamming on forums' - this is untrue, and this statement must be removed (unless you can provide lots of examples of such spamming in the past two years - and you won't find such as it does not exist).

Here you go...


Over 100 more where those came from!

1. Generally nobody actually asked about Transpact (discussions are about Escrow.com, the concept of escrow, etc.)
2. User FairTrial posts exactly 1 "advertising" post singing the praises of Transpact
3. In a few cases, he/she says they're working for Transpact (or for "an escrow company") but most not
4. User FairTrial is then never seen again

It's a fair cop, I'd say...
It's sad how these numpties never seem to get the hint. As FairTrial is not too clever I will put it in cap's.

Edwin / APD,

Can you please explain the crime of spamming.
I last commented on this website in August 2011.
One and a half years later, I posted just one post again.
Not exactly prolific.

And I still feel it was worth the post, and it was not spamming, as AcornDomain users in the UK and Europe are missing out from their homegrown escrow service which has now become maybe the mainstream service.

Selling a website or domain for $5,000 on Escrow.com will cost you $162.50 + $40 international wire fee + conversion from pounds to dollars at the bank + bank fees.
Whilst using Transpact.com will cost you £5.98 with no bank fees (and offers the possibility of extra security).

Please can you help me out. I am not spamming - I just really don't understand why users like you won't allow mention of the difference in products. It is not apples and apples, but apples and oranges, and users should at least have the opportunity of learning about the 'oranges'.
Transpact.com loses a £5.98 sale when you don't use its service, but you may lose over £200 in expenses by ignoring it.
Whose is the crime ?
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Can you please explain the crime of spamming.
I last commented on this website in August 2011.
One and a half years later, I posted just one post again.
Not exactly prolific.

It ain't rocket science, 1 post is too many if you weren't asked for it in the first place, it doesn't have to be prolific posting, although you and Transpact are prolific spammers, as can be seen on Google or the links provided in previous posts.

If you go on to forums and send people unsolicited PM's, it's spamming, if you go on multiple forums and continually post about transpact, it's spamming, if you send unsolicited emails, it's spamming, it's not difficult to understand.

More so when the topics you keep replying to are nothing to do with Transpact, In many cases people are asking questions about escrow.com, but you Transpact spammers feel the need to fill many escrow.com topics with info about your shite spamming company

And I still feel it was worth the post, and it was not spamming

No, it's not worth the post, it's spamming, it wasn't asked for, this topic is nothing to do with you, you made unsolicited posts about Transpact, which is spam, simple.

AcornDomain users in the UK and Europe are missing out from their homegrown escrow service which has now become maybe the mainstream service.

Selling a website or domain for $5,000 on Escrow.com will cost you $162.50 + $40 international wire fee + conversion from pounds to dollars at the bank + bank fees.
Whilst using Transpact.com will cost you £5.98 with no bank fees (and offers the possibility of extra security).

Please can you help me out. I am not spamming - I just really don't understand why users like you won't allow mention of the difference in products. It is not apples and apples, but apples and oranges, and users should at least have the opportunity of learning about the 'oranges'.
Transpact.com loses a £5.98 sale when you don't use its service, but you may lose over £200s in fees by ignoring it.
Whose is the crime ?

There you go again, more spam, still trying to sell the virtues of your spammy company, you simply cannot make a post without mentioning something or other that your company does, or what it charges, it's all spam.
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I addressed the question to APD and Edwin as they seem reasonable people who I can learn from.
You see yourself as the big policeman, and you won't allow a conversation.
And you don't even use escrow yourself !

Please allow APD and Edwin to explain (I am sure they are more than capable of making all the strong points you wish to make, and lambasting spam), and for me to have some kind of constructive dialog with them.

I addressed the question to APD and Edwin as they seem reasonable people who I can learn from.
You see yourself as the big policeman, and you won't allow a conversation.
And you don't even use escrow yourself !

Please allow APD and Edwin to explain (I am sure they are more than capable of making all the strong points you wish to make, and lambasting spam), and for me to have some kind of constructive dialog with them.

The trouble is you say you have been going for 3 years and you're the gold standard blah blah.

^ So then why do you need to spam forums? which is low & cheap.

If your services were that great your customers would be promoting you by now and you wouldn't have to.
The bloke asked if Escrow was a reliable service and think the answer is a resounding yes.

Pity can't get a UK solution of the same caliber on this thread. The point about chucking revenue across the Atlantic is a valid one.
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