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ISP Recommendation

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Oct 1, 2004
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Thinking about moving ISP. Been on eclipse for a few years but since their recent upgrades their speeds have been rubbish.

On a 1Mb pipe gone from DL of 125-130 to between 35-60 and tonight 17k/s with very jerky dl and lags every few secs.

Tested both on wireless & lan and nothing on my side has changed.

Any recommendations on UK ISP's. According to tests I can get upto 5.5Mb with new exchange upgrades.



Thinking about moving ISP. Been on eclipse for a few years but since their recent upgrades their speeds have been rubbish.

On a 1Mb pipe gone from DL of 125-130 to between 35-60 and tonight 17k/s with very jerky dl and lags every few secs.

Tested both on wireless & lan and nothing on my side has changed.

Any recommendations on UK ISP's. According to tests I can get upto 5.5Mb with new exchange upgrades.



You are not the only one, Eclipse seem to be going down the pan. Connection is iffy as you say , and certainly their end.

Looking for something similar, upto £30ish a month, rock solid no messing and no contract.

Any pointers?

I recently moved my home connection to ADSL24.co.uk. Been on it around a month and has been 100% better than my previous provider (zen (was with for 2+ years)).

It's early days yet but so far I'm happy :)
Have to add that I was originally going to move to o2/be however the exchange I'm on is out of capacity. Do hear great things about BE. We have a couple of staffers using it at home.
Had a reply to my complaint about poor quality of the service from Eclipse:

Declining quality of service

Thank you for your message, the content of which we note.

We have taken a look into your query further and we do apoligise that you are not happy with the package you have with Eclipse. We can confirm that the new products we have launched should not affect your connection you hold with us.

In connection with the issues you have been having with your connection dropping out, the best thing to do will be to speak to Technical support and they can look into the issue for you and try to resolve it. Technical support number is 08451224111 and the option you would need to chose is Option 3.

We can confirm that the product you are on with Eclipse is one of our much older packages that we no longer hold and we do have new packages that you can regrade you connection to give you better speeds.

We have recently launched a few packages you may be interested in which are as follows below.

Home Select - This package is £17.95 a month to which you can either have a monthly contract or a 12 month contract to which you will get the first month free on a 12 month contract. The speed of this package is anything up to 8MG to which your line is capable of 7Mbps. With our new packages we aim to get the highest line speed we can. Unfortunately we no longer offer unlimited packages and all our packages are usage based. The Home Select has a 10GB usage allowance a month to which you where be billed £1.25 for every GB over. If you go 1GB over your 10 GB usage allowance to will be billed £1.25.

Another package we can offer you is the Home Pro which is one of our highest residential packages. The price of this package is £29.95 and has a 50 GB usage allowance to which you where be billed £1.25 for every GB over. This package you can take out on a monthly or 12 month contract.

We hope that this information helps, if you need any more assistance please do not hesitate to contact us.

The cynic would think they are making the older accounts unuseable to force an 'upgrade' to capped.
I eventually moved to the HomePro 50. More expensive than other 8Mb packages, but I preferred knowing the 50Gb cap instead of 'fair usage' & couldn't be arsed with moving & getting the mac id(?). Speed is good. 6Mb (1.6K from exchange). Eclipse interface shows my usage.

Broadbandspeedchecker.co.uk said that would be the top speed.

Downloading at 760K/s instead of ~35 so yipee... downloaded ubuntu in 12mins!

Can get the O2 LLU package - upto 24Mbs and exchange is adsl2+ enabled in nov, so I'll monitor it til then.

Hi Guys, ive just gone over to their Business 20

Totally Unconnected with this thread about half an hour ago I changed from eclipse's old home option to business 20

they never communicated to us they had new packages operating
but i got in contact because my internet usage has doubled in the last few months.
I was on about 8gb a month and last month it was 18gb
my bill went from £18.75 which it had been for ages to £30

I think its cos my stepson got a xbox and I fed a cat wire up to his room
( either that or my neighbors finally cracked my wifi password :) )

the reason i went with them in the first place was because i liked the fact
that they were offering stable bandwidth speeds without everyone in your street taking a chunk,
after doing some traceroutes I was happy

Especially when I went to a friends who had one of the cheap broadband offers from the telly and i did a trace route to the same ip address from his computer and it was 20 times slower.

I have recently noticed slower connection speeds
but put it down to the amount of traffic we were generating.
after reading this thread I'm not so sure

when I spoke to customer services on the phone the gentleman suggested that I would get a much faster download speed if i swapped to business 20 then home select.
Even though he tried to convince me to go for home pro at £30 only telling me about the business offers when i prompted him.
(typical salesman :) )
He said that business 20 was meant for "business" customers, I said i used it mostly for business, he said fine its £20 + vat

they reckon in about 6 days i should notice my speeds pick up

I have an idea lets all pick some standard measuring techniques and then post the data here about are relevant providers.

hope this helps

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I know bad things said about aol, but been with them 6 years, no downtime, bypass them and have firefox as start page, pay £12.99 pm. nothing special , but ok for me, although some say it can be had for £9.99pm ,like to know how.
Would also vouch for Nildram.
When all the ISP's went to maxdsl which is totally usless for remote locations. Nildram offered a standard DSL service at a reasonable price. Service and support was outstanding.

I can vouch for Nildram. Used them at Toni&Guy to connect all salons and head office to each other, they are now part of Pipex but still run their own business, i think from memory they take up half of telehouse norths server space

take a look Nildram UK - Internet service provider offering upto 16Mb Broadband ADSL
was with Tiscali for 2 years - what a total nightmare they were.. some one recommended Pipex, so have been there for 3 years.. it was totally bulletproof, never a problem. then started having problems and found out they got bought out by Tiscali ! arghhh. Of course they never told me there was a change.

Am with Sky now, pay about a a fiver a month, have been for 9 months.. not had any problems, and the price is right.
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