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Moving a WP site to new host?

Oct 13, 2008
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UPDATE: Login problem now rectified

I have an old ClassiPress WP directory site on HostGator, that I wouldn't mind keeping, if it's easy to move it, I've just done a Google search and it looks a bit complicated, is there an easy way to save a WP site and upload it at a new host?

From what I read, it seems you can download the site from cPanel and save it to your computer, same with the database, can't remember if that was a database I had to set up in cPanel, or did it set up a database when I did the one click WP install, if so, is the database part of the WP site files if I downloaded them?

This has got to be done by tomorrow if I am to save it, as tomorrow is when my hosting payment would have been due, but I cancelled the hosting as it's gone up from $176 to $250 per year, and I only use it to host 1 email address for the last few years, the site itself has been inactive for years.

Not got a new webhost yet, I'll probably register with and use HostMaria.
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Thanks mate, Barry has given me the name of a plugin that he has used to do this sort of thing, just need to know where I download the plugin to lol
@willbon, that's what Barry suggested I use.

As ever, any time I want to do anything remotely techy, there's always something that f*cks me up :mad:

Registered on DropBox to use that with Updraft, and after a lot of searching, I found the login username and password for my WP site, but it's saying it's wrong, ffs, no problem, I'll just use the forgot password function and have it emailed to me, but it's an old yahoo.co.uk address, and when trying to login to it, it says that email address is now deactivated due to not being used for so long, probably last used it a few years back.

No problem, I'll go on Yahoo.co.uk and register the same address again, but no, it appears that you can no longer have yahoo.co.uk email addresses, they're all yahoo.com now:mad:

That leaves me no way to login to WP to install the Updraft plugin and save the site.
o_O Bloody Technology!!
Is there no way of resetting the password or user details through hosting?
If changing hosting, maybe a host which offers that.. as a 'work-around'
If all else fails you could try copying the page source code.. or just copy and paste the contents of the site pages to a word doc and try and re-create the site?..
Just a thought, I'm guessing not, but amongst the WP site files in HostGator, is there any file that has the username and password?

I think not, as that wouldn't be very good security wise, but thought I'd ask just in case.

@Murray, I'm mainly only looking to host my email address, but with the option to make sites again at some point, so Helmuts hosting plan for €25 for the year would do me for now.
@willbon, I was posting at the same time as you with regards username/password at HostGator.

The site was a business directory, so I'd have to have it saved properly so businesses who posted on it before have their logins and post details saved.
I'm now back in hurrahhhh

Thanks to @BG for earlier advice via PM, and @DomainAngel who suggested I go to phpMyAdmin in cPanel and find the WP database installation there, click on wp_users, all registered site users then load, with me as admin at the top of the list, next to each username is an edit button, then go here:


Put your new password in the box to generate a hash and copy it. Go back to the wp_users list and click the edit button next to your username, replace the user_pass hash with the new hash and click to save. I then logged in to the WP control panel with the new password, handy to know for future reference, thanks all.

Going to try the Updraft plugin now, I'll probably be back in 5 minutes with a question about that :D
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I said I'd be back didn't I :rolleyes:

Not having any success with Updraft plugin, just looked at the video on YouTube again, from the 3 minute mark I've done exactly as they have done, where you go to settings, choose DropBox as the place to save to, scroll down and hit save, then get this message in WP:

Success: you have authenticated your Dropbox account.
Your Dropbox account name: Kev Kev ([email protected])
Your Dropbox quota usage: 0 % used, 5120 MB available

In the YouTube video, he gets the same WP message, but it shows the quota used when he does it, and then he checks his DropBox and his files are there, but I've tried it 3 times now and it always says the same quote above, and no files are in DropBox.

Seriously, I'm jinxed with anything to do with computers and tech stuff, nothing ever works properly for me, no idea why, maybe it's witchcraft :mad:


I see nothing on the DropBox main account page showing anything called Updraft, but I just had a look at the "Apps" section and see Updraft mentioned there, with this listed as saved:


I assume that the whole site saved in that thing? It doesn't let me open it on my phone so I don't know what's in it, it says "Files without extensions cannot be previewed".
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Hi, Classipress is a classifieds theme by AppThemes. It doesn't do any changes to the structure of WP > so, should be a simple task.

1) export all files
2) export database

3) import database in the new host
4) upload all the files
5) do the necessary changes at wp-config.php

that's it.

The thing about Classipress - it is kept updated quite often + there was a shift in versions (I think from v3 to v4) where the whole architecture changed.


If you don't want to move it manually (probably the best way) > try out Blogvault.net. Their initial trial is 100% free and doesn't ask for cards.

Best of success!
Just a thought, I'm guessing not, but amongst the WP site files in HostGator, is there any file that has the username and password?

I think not, as that wouldn't be very good security wise, but thought I'd ask just in case.

@Murray, I'm mainly only looking to host my email address, but with the option to make sites again at some point, so Helmuts hosting plan for €25 for the year would do me for now.

No. There isn't such a file. All the passwords are in the database, though these are hashed (you can't read them).
The thing about Classipress - it is kept updated quite often + there was a shift in versions (I think from v3 to v4) where the whole architecture changed.

Ahh, that probably explains why there is no theme update, my ClassiPress theme is from years ago, it's still on ClassiPressVersion: 3.6.0, whereas the latest version from 2022 is Version 4.2.7, which gives me no option to update to that version, so I'd probably have to buy the newer version to upgrade it.

No. There isn't such a file. All the passwords are in the database, though these are hashed (you can't read them).

Yes, I was directed to change the password using a hash generator, and change the password hash in phpMyAdmin, which worked nicely.
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Ahh, that probably explains why there is no theme update, my ClassiPress theme is from years ago, it's still on ClassiPressVersion: 3.6.0, whereas the latest version from 2022 is Version 4.2.7, which gives me no option to update to that version, so I'd probably have to buy the newer version to upgrade it.

Yes, I was directed to change the password using a hash generator, and change the password hash in phpMyAdmin, which worked nicely.

Yes, the v4 had lots of changes for Classipress. I know the theme quite well. Their forum is quite good as well - you will find me there if you start wondering around :)
Hi, Classipress is a classifieds theme by AppThemes. It doesn't do any changes to the structure of WP > so, should be a simple task.

1) export all files
2) export database

3) import database in the new host
4) upload all the files
5) do the necessary changes at wp-config.php

that's it.

The thing about Classipress - it is kept updated quite often + there was a shift in versions (I think from v3 to v4) where the whole architecture changed.


If you don't want to move it manually (probably the best way) > try out Affordi-Host: Managed WordPress Hosting. Their initial trial is 100% free and doesn't ask for cards.

Best of success!
Hey Rolandas, do you also provide service? I need to migrate my few sites to new hosting plan without affecting my data etc.Thank you!
I'm sure ive had to do this before and you can literally save the new password hash into database ( I think)

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