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Multiple platforms

May 30, 2020
Reaction score
Hey, good day all

I want clarify that is that ok to list a domain in multiple platforms to sell,?

eg: listing at sedo and listing the same domain in UK domain platform domainlore
You can't auction a domain on domainlore or anywhere else really and try and sell elsewhere at the same time ( well... i guess having it sit at sedo is get away able as long as no buy ot now as you can just not sell it) The moment you have a bid its sold effectively on an auction.

You certainly couldnt have two auction running.... instant way to trash your reputation and get banned from auction sites.
You can't auction a domain on domainlore or anywhere else really and try and sell elsewhere at the same time ( well... i guess having it sit at sedo is get away able as long as no buy ot now as you can just not sell it) The moment you have a bid its sold effectively on an auction.

You certainly couldnt have two auction running.... instant way to trash your reputation and get banned from auction sites.
Thank you for clearing this for me, but I can list as buy it now on different platforms right
Thank you for clearing this for me, but I can list as buy it now on different platforms right

Not reallly and be 100% legit. What happens if someone uses buy it now, and you have a bid at auction. Two people have then bought the same domain. You can always just delist for duration of auction and if i doesnt sell or meet reserve pop it back on.

Obviously it fine to list on different marketplaces at the same time with Buy It Nows. Its the auction bit is the issue really. As soon as you have a bid above reserve its sold
The thing is: what happens if your domain name is being auctioned at Domainlore, and in the middle of that auction someone 'buys it now' on a different platform?

At that point, the auction on Domainlore isn't going to work, because you've sold the name elsewhere. I think that would annoy people, who may then complain, and it harms your future reputation.

I realise it's unlikely that two different people are going to try to buy that domain in the same few days, but 'Buy It Now' on two platforms at the same time risks your good name because if it screws up once, and you have to bale out of one of them, word does get about.

It's a fair question to ask though.
Not reallly and be 100% legit. What happens if someone uses buy it now, and you have a bid at auction. Two people have then bought the same domain. You can always just delist for duration of auction and if i doesnt sell or meet reserve pop it back on.
Good point, thanks a lot
Thank you for clearing this for me, but I can list as buy it now on different platforms right

I took this question as meaning 'can you list as 'buy it now' on multiple platforms and not have it on auction at all, in which case I would say thats fine

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