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Who do you get your braodband service from?

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Mar 13, 2006
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Mines with BT and its costing £40 a month for broadband and phone line (no calls on phone line)

Looking for a cheaper supplier but I'm npot in a cable or sky area.


I use Fast.co.uk ... occasional acorn user and domainer runs it.
I'm with Zen.co.uk and haven't had any problems at all since I joined them. I'm a satisfied customer.

BT does far cheaper packages than £40 a month. BT calls it's consumer packages BT Total Broadband and they start at £15.99 / month. For more info see:

Best UK Broadband

Best rgds
:twisted:for god sake what ever you do dont go with bt!!!!!!!:twisted: i have the home hub and have nothing but problems with them.:twisted:
its faster for me to browse on my moby than on my pc.
the ammount of time i have spent on the phone to india listening to what can only be described as "noise" on the other end for what seems like a lifetime, only to be told that there is a problem at their end and it will be fixed within 48 hours.
not long untill the contract ends so i will be looking for a diffrent provider.:rolleyes:
Im with BT, sure im 5k from the exchange but I only get 500k at the best of times and I can tell when its about to rain as my connection cuts off 2 mins before it pours.

I wouldnt mind but I work for a HUGE ISP, the largest telco in the USA at this time and they can offer me bugger all in the UK :(
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I'm with AOL :p yeah baby I'm a sell out.

I'm a special deal that they gave me so I'd stop writing booters and bots for AOL chat back in the day. Still paying the same today (not far off the cost of domain) as i was paying about 10 yrs ago when they gave me the deal heheh. Whos said being a cunt in a chat room doesnt pay ?

There is also a lil technique I can use to my advantage in domains too :)

I'm on Sky NO BAND it likes to go off and on and off and on and off and on, signal strength 100 % then 70 % Arrrgggghhhh !!!!!!!!!!! or how ever you spell it ???? lol
Get it, test it then maybe ditch it ?
Virgin Media here.
Been with them for 6+ years, since back in the NTL days.
Customer service sucks ass but the connection is ace. I wouldn't have anything else.

Had a total of 1 days down time over the 6 or so years and connection is quick.

Moved 3 times and get it every time I move.... its fantastico! :)

Have Sky+ HD for my telly though... but virgin do offer free TV and phone with one of the packages / or the other way round, I forget... so worth a look... and no seperate BT line rental then either... don't rate the tv service myself but I like sky 1 which virgin doesnt have.
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