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WIldcard vs Subdomain


May 8, 2013
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Hi all,

Question for the DNS boffins here please. If i set up a load of A records for subdomains to point to say. sub1.domain.co.uk, sub2.domain.co.uk AND i have a wildcard *.domain.co.uk
does the wildcard trump the subdomain in terms of redirect. SO if i want the subdomains to point to a different place, do i need to get rid of the wildcard if that goes elsewhere ?

Hope that makes sense !
@dee, to improve the answer above: If you have both set, the wildcard will handle any requests that don't match the specific subdomains.

this should explain it better :)
It does. Thank you. So essentially the wildcard will still act as a catchall for any unspecified subdomains set up as A records. Perfect ! Thanks
It does. Thank you. So essentially the wildcard will still act as a catchall for any unspecified subdomains set up as A records. Perfect ! Thanks
Yep, you can use this terminology as well! The wildcard acts as a safety net, a catch-all for any subdomains you haven't explicitly defined with a specific A record.

All the success!
Yep, you can use this terminology as well! The wildcard acts as a safety net, a catch-all for any subdomains you haven't explicitly defined with a specific A record.

All the success!
Thanks. Just as a thought I checked for best place to put this but couldnt find releavant section really(unless im blind, which is possible) . Is it worth starting a DNS questions /Technical questions section ?
Thanks. Just as a thought I checked for best place to put this but couldnt find releavant section really(unless im blind, which is possible) . Is it worth starting a DNS questions /Technical questions section ?

:) you can always ask these here. .. or, in website design category..

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