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Allowing or disallowing users to request removal of sales threads/posts


May 18, 2010
Reaction score
Good morning all,

This morning we had a chat with @Admin about the strategy on allowing or disallowing users to request removal of sales threads and/or posts that report sales of 1 or another domain name.

My opinion is and stays = yes, every Acorn user has these rights despite the forum loosing search traffic.

Acorn Domains is and stays a friendly place to do business, and the forum interests don't stand above your direct business interests to sell your domain name as high as possible.

To our moderators: some of you already excersize these powers to protect your business interests. Please allow other users with requests like these as well. Huge Thank You :)

This is it, in short :) .. no need for chatgpt to polish this simple text.

Any questions?

Have another great business day all!!

.. ass deep in setting up smtp servers.. do we have any linux smtp experts here, I could get a consultation of? tx :)

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