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Domain rentals board?

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I dont think it warrants it's own section. It will just dilute the others which could already do with a bit more activity. There are lots of members who seem to only use the sales thread and don't contribute to others.
Leasing can be discussed under the business section.

just my opinion. :D

Perhaps the business section could then be divided into sub sections rather than a whole new area for domain leasing.
Scenario- I lease domain from you and say i want it for 3 years at £200pm. I then spend £5k getting a nice site done, spend £500 pm on seo and build lots of links. You then get offer of £50k for your domain from AN OTHER...........
Although your scenario has its points I look on it as to what I can make in those years... if your making a living or return that’s what matters not what they will make… thousands of shops etc are leased. You can always tell all your customers your moving to so and so address and channel them through to the other domain... If you’re leasing a name because it is good generically for example it would have more than likely been good before you had it, If you can have a mayfair address get mayfair customers and prices cherry pick them and take them with you to a much cheaper address but still be able to charge them mayfair rates you would be foolish not too

If you worry about what profit other are making you would never make money yourself as your to busy adding up there finances
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