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Apr 9, 2009
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Seems to be at a lowpoint. I personally don't use anymore for selling - probably because my expectations were too high in the first place. But, there has been some good sales history in the past and Denys week-ahead drops have always been helpful (in more ways than one)

Hope it's not terminal. :-(
Probably something to do with the lack of decent domains dropping. Very slim pickings at the moment and I can't see that improving anything soon.

Coupled with that fact that there are probably 15-20+ tags going after average but worthwhile drops, increasing to perhaps 50-60 or so for anything with obvious value, such as 3L names, one-worders, etc.

- Rob
I accept where your coming from Rob. But that didn't change just in a week.

Only Two domains in the 'active' both without bids (that alone is rare)- Plus nothing you'd write home about in a 'very short list of 'awaiting-bids'

I put it down to nothing being listed 'worthwhile in a while' if your pardon the pun. seemed to me to be a lot-of-shit listed (in the recent weeks\months) that nobody in their right mind was going to pay £5 for a space - so maybe free enticemenents were the order of the day for a while (just speculating)
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Surely it's just a case of end of summer holidays. Even parliament is on holiday.

Ignore domainlore as a buyer or seller at your peril. Ive seen some amazing bargains there sold over the last few weeks. Ok a seller may think they haven't gotten enough but I'm sure there were healthy profits all round.

It costs £6 to catch and you say £5 to sell one, so at worst if it's a dud your hardly losing much. Just post your name and then call and email the world to tell them it's within their grasp.

So if it sells for less than you thought the only person to blame is yourself for not calling more people surely?

The people behind the site are not on my Christmas card list as I am certain I'm not on theirs, but the fact is, it works. I've sold domains on here that soon afterwards appear on there and make a good profit. That's two mouths fed and possibly more afterwards. Circle of domain life

It's put lots of money into lots of peoples pockets and continues to do so. The owner doesn't post here touting for business like the rest of us lol so instead of asking what domainlore can do for you, ask what you can do for domainlore <------ yes I really said that bit lol :)

If everytime people listed a domain they called seo companies, marketing companies and end users soon enough they would be back just taking a look and sales would naturally increase.

Plus it would get more members for domain forums like acorn and uk domain forum. So everyone wins.
I don't think its a good climate to sell at present.

End user sales have tapered off these past several weeks.

The economic climate in the UK is officially a double dip recession.

Things will bounce back eventually but it could be several months.
I don't think its a good climate to sell at present...

That's the main problem, more than the shite arguement probably, not as much spare cash for buyers to speculate with!
I've never understood how they decide which domains to list as spotlight auctions rather than hidden gems. I can't see anything special about the two spotlights right now that's for sure.
Only Two domains in the 'active' both without bids (that alone is rare)- Plus nothing you'd write home about in a 'very short list of 'awaiting-bids'

Another problem with this is that it acts as a trigger for catchers to add it to their lists and when caught not activating the auction but adding to their portfolio and then waiting for contact off-site - considering the lowball prices many domains go for at auction it's no surprise. Doesn't give an incentive to use this functionality.

I'm including non-DL & DL users - including the owner - in this group.
Auctions are a good barometer of real values … The high number of rnm and no sales on all of them highlight sellers expectations and the buyers are often poles apart..
I've never understood how they decide which domains to list as spotlight auctions rather than hidden gems. I can't see anything special about the two spotlights right now that's for sure.

Word Mouth Took Of Out My

Re DomainLore, now is the time to buy if you really believe in UK domain names. Some absolute bargains going for a song. If I was some of the sellers I'd be gutted but everyone's personal circumstances is unique and who knows what a seller is keeping hold of.

Put up a domain I was rock sure would achieve very low £x,xxx and ended up with £90 in my pocket. Then I bought a domain off their for £xx you couldn't prise off me for less than 5k.

One thing isn't said is less than £1million sales since 2009 is a cottage not a mansion given what lets say least a few hundred domaineers are bang on it everyday. Those figures alone tell you it won't pay off your mortgage for you but still a great utility.

As for some other so called domain Auction sites the less said the better.

Not that anyone is going to pay a blind bit of notice to me especially but fact is if you got 500 two word domains and hardly any single word obvious winners I'd say consider getting a few in via domainlore and stop putting all your faith in portfolios verging on indistinguishable from what everyone else is struggling to get rich on.
One of them has expired now (Marny.co.uk) and the other is ChristmasMarket.co.uk.

Obviously there's a couple of new ones since I posted which are top notch!

Edit: oh, you weren't talking to me..!
What are the two domain names you're referring to? :)

Sorry that i'm not revealing, would only lead to some snide remarks about my assessment of these domains.

There's some no brainer development opportunities going verging on everyday in DL, I think people are panic selling as a result of being fed up with registration costs, weak economic climate, and not enough buyers so confidence is low. It's a buyers market now. I wish I could buy everything I want, there's about 2k's worth in here I'd have in an instant if had the dosh spare. But getting on top of that now. Genuinely feel it's Gold Rush time at the moment and makes more sense to get stocked up whilst prices are low even if you have to get rid of your weaker domains for next to nothing, than be a buyer if prices start peaking again.
I can see some value in christmasmarket.co.uk

I agree completely - there's a bit of value. But why is it a spotlight domain, not just a hidden gem.

What's the difference between that and, say, seoagencies.co.uk?
Invincible I don't have to do anything mate. Cos if you think my posts are empty air there's a third possibility for you - Ignore them.

The answer to every question you pose is no way i'm pointing out the domain i'm hoping to snap for £50 on DL so I end up having to pay even more for it. If you can't spot them yourself that's up to you. If i'm wrong it's my money being p'ssed up the wall not yours.

Also i feel you read what you want in my post not what i'm saying. I stated quite clearly there are development opportunities on DL. I.e making it quite clear I don't happen to think there's buy for £xx sell for £xxx the following week on there or anywhere.

So why should I point out I think DomainX is good when even then it's up to the buyer to turn it into a winner via development, and what if they fail? Some big investigation as to whether they are crap at development or I am wrong for directing them to it.

I don't work for DL, i've emailed them myself asking certain 'insider' questions and they politely told me to p'ss orf which is their right. I have nothing to gain from 'talking' up DL other than my honest opinion which is what I thought i'm supposed to be offering in here.

I'm revealing no specifics whatsoever. This is a matey mates club, and all outsiders get their ideas crapped on regardless of merit. Again my view if i'm allowed to have one. Ta
This is a matey mates club, and all outsiders get their ideas crapped on regardless of merit. Again my view if i'm allowed to have one. Ta

eh, thats a bit strong, theres probably 100+ fairly frequent posters here on Acorn and I doubt there isn't one of us that hasn't crossed swords with another at sometime or another. Plus you should know by now when a certain individual appears, what the feel of the post/discussion is going to be like. Bit like down the Pub.

The trouble maker
The piece maker
The arrogant git
The Drunk (usually me)
The techy
etc etc etc....... But don't alienate us all
I think you must be "All of the above" Ray

Thanks Bruce - that made my Laugh.

I don't think anything said on Acorn is intentionally personal - we don't really know each other enough. Lets face it Invincible can upset babies at a 1000yds. But where would the banter (and serious discussions) be without our Characters
People don't need to know each other well to make personal comments or attacks. The number of celebrities abused by twitter followers is a prime example..

'Abuse' has to be received and digested to be effective. Just in case you think everyone takes insults to heart

I don't think your final sentence actually makes sense, although I assume it is rhetorical. Even if it was rhetorical it doesn't make any sense.

Thats because you live on a different planet to the rest of humanity Invincible - I'm not actually sure your human.... A pre-programmed machine with inherent code faults more like.

All in good humour - (though I'm not sure that was programmed in either) I honestly think you help make this Board
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