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Flip.uk is planing to launch a .com "sister" site


May 18, 2010
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Interesting.. @Ryan Ewen has just confirmed that Flip.uk (he aquired a short while ago from @lazarus) will have a global .com "sister" marketplace FlipJet.com

>> https://twitter.com/rdce80/status/1781000506757795919

Very cool!!

Ryan, are you ok with few questions? .. will both marketplaces have the same usr database? what is the estimated launch date?
Q4 launch. Different users for Brandable (UK) and Domain Manage (Global)

Brandable/Flip = DOT UK GROUP
DM + FJ = EW3N

The UK has different needs so best on dedicated UK platforms with country specific tax laws, advertising & marketing plus things like pair matching which only really apply to ccTLD's.

It's boring seeing uk's rank nowhere on current marketplaces despite the fact that the UK market is one of the best economies and has the best Domain Summit!
It's boring seeing uk's rank nowhere on current marketplaces despite the fact that the UK market is one of the best economies and has the best Domain Summit!

Sadly, the quality and size of the UK economy has no bearing on the UK domain market. Businesses of all sizes don't appreciate or understand the material and monetary value of domains, unlike businesses in the USA and Germany.

Apart from a handful of outlier sales, the market is moribund and I regularly see cracking keywords and brandables sell at auction for under £100.

It's been a quandary for as long as I've been a domainer and I don't see it changing.
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Sadly, the quality and size of the UK economy has no bearing on the UK domain market. Businesses of all sizes don't appreciate or understand the material and monetary value of domains, unlike businesses in the USA and Germany.

Apart from a handful of outlier sales, the market is moribund and I regularly see cracking keywords and brandables sell at auction for under £100.

It's been a quandary for as long as I've been a domainer and I've got no idea how to fix it.

You only know what you know.

We have had several large sales - 5 figures in the last couple of months
2 word, 3 word and a few 3 letter - all pairs and all end users

Had a few make offers recently but more .uk interest

We upsell quite a lot - if they want co.uk then we upsell uk and vice a versa

Its easier than coms as we can call them up as most are based in the uk
Sadly, the quality and size of the UK economy has no bearing on the UK domain market. Businesses of all sizes don't appreciate or understand the material and monetary value of domains, unlike businesses in the USA and Germany.

Apart from a handful of outlier sales, the market is moribund and I regularly see cracking keywords and brandables sell at auction for under £100.

It's been a quandary for as long as I've been a domainer and I don't see it changing.

Its def going to change in the next few months due to brandable advertising and marketing to end users which will displace wholesale markets which have too much prominence due to lack of 'premium' marketplaces specific to UK
@Ryan Ewen, when is Brandable going to be operational for us to list our domains there? The last I read, it was saying the end of March, but not seen any updates since.
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Its def going to change in the next few months due to brandable advertising and marketing to end users which will displace wholesale markets which have too much prominence due to lack of 'premium' marketplaces specific to UK

This is music to my ears, but you've got a tough job on your hands so I'll believe it when I see it. That's not to say I think you can't do it.

Best of luck and I'll deffo be along for the ride.
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@Ryan Ewen, when is Brandable going to be operational for us to list our domains there? The last I read, it was saying the end of March, but not seen any updates since.

We were going to make an announcement last week with the view to launching this Friday (26th) but i had a family bereavement so have taken some time off work.

Will make a formal announcement with a launch date when i get back to work at the end of the week.

Its imminent thankfully.

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