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Had an offer for JustDoors.com

Jul 7, 2011
Reaction score

Hope this is the right area to post.

I've owned this domain for 15 years (or so) and it was originally a 1999 reg'.

I've done things with it in the past, but after a fairly recent host migration it all went to ***** and It's now just sitting around.

I was contacted yesterday by a broker with an offer for it. I'd be really interested in hearing what anybody has to say on a fair value for this. I won't say how much the offer was as it might influence.

I'm tempted to let it go as I doubt I'll have the time to do anything with it.

Any ideas?

Many thanks for reading.
I purchased JustWiperBlades.com on here for $500 a few years back as a trade sale.

Just for your FYI.
Hard to say, as it's often down to how much someone wants it and their branding etc.
Thanks for the input so far everyone.

Ok so I've been offered a couple of £K. Not a million miles away from what I paid for it many years ago (not that this is a factor).

I think it may be close enough that with a little bit of an increase I may go ahead.

Any further input greatly received.

Yeah. I think I floated them an email a couple of years back. Didn't get a reply and moved on.

I did think about trying them again (it makes complete sense).

Guess I'm a bit late now - not knowing exactly how keen the out-of-the-blue offer is/ was.
The offer might be from Just Doors seeing as a broker is involved. They might've been monitoring the domain and noticed your website has gone down. Be canny in your negotiations ;) And it's deffo worth contacting a decision maker at Just Doors to let them know the name is for sale. You only get one shot to sell a domain so make the most of it. Good luck!
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I'm happy to walk away if it's not what I want. As you say, you can only sell a domain once.

Appreciate the input fellas - or girls.

100%, I will update this thread when it's done - or not done.

I'd love a few DM's as to what you guys would do, just as an idea etc.

Thanks again.
I have something similar with a .net recently - got an offer through a parked site
On namepros, someone suggested adding 15% to the offer price and putting it on a parking site with that price.
They may buy it or come back to you with a slightly higher offer.
Just an an update - all went quiet and nothing happened.

I sent a small email over to see if anything was in the pipeline.

Anyway - get to keep it for another 20 years I guess ;-)

Thanks for all of the input.
I think its a great name and definitely worth a lot more than the offer you mentioned, hold on to it and wait for a higher offer.

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