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How long???

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Dec 12, 2005
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How long must I and others put up with what are to my mind IMHO issues that should have been cleared up days, weeks, months - even years ago - at inception.

Just a sample:

Back end / front end failing.
Incorrect stats - see partner figures.
Revised reporting figures.
Failure to allow headers and SE optimisation.
Hung domains in sedo but not in account.
Inadequate form personal experience, Customer Service.
Agreed sales with failures to pay leaving names hung in accounts for weeks.

List goes on, and on, and on...

Personally, I am disgusted.

It is intollerable.

I've stuck with you guys, even defending you at times, believing that isuues would be/get sorted.

Where was CS during the festive period? Both I and I know many others laboured all through yet it appears you guys all went on holiday...

Domaining is 24/7 - 365 - surely someone should be on call/available the same too.

Boxing day, Chris and I were both talking, busy sorting this for the worlds first adult domain auction at InterNEXT... With no time for breaks or festivities... As we both laboured to help, support members here and elsewhere to get their names in a pre-auction 'parse' list, not wanting anyone to miss out on the chance to make some serious money to kickstart the New Year with...

See: http://www.acorndomains.co.uk/domain-name-wanted/11852-adult-domains-wanted.html

On another note, having spoken with Nora and explaining the lack of understanding their is by domainers and domain selling business about the adult industry, I'd like you to see that you guys need a bridge and training in adult industry awareness and how it relates to domains and visa versa...

Billions are made from adult related sales etc every year, millions are being lost to domainers and domain business as a result of the inability to understand how adult works - I mean REALLY works...

Time to review everything!...

As for me, I'm back in adult now, having previously retired. Adult is a global biz that requires TOTAL dedication 24/7 - 365. Many try and many fail because they don't realise the level of commitment that is required to be successful.

The stakes are high - the rewards great... BUT as Adult requires excellence - so does domaining!

Time IS money!! Messing about with what, from experience are inadquate domain services when serious money is to be made is just plain stupid...

This is a last chance from me as it's way past due for me to go source people who know what time it is and who are bustin' their balls to break the moulds and up the ante for all...

Which brings me to another point:

IMO - if you are going to operate globally then you must THINK globally... Intl TZ require that you keep wheels in motion 24 hrs a day as the industry itself dictates availability to be so AND - 365 days a year...

Companies boasting of excellence on the front end - media/rss etc, seriously failing in care to your core business on the back end WILL fail long term as other service providers WILL rise to the challenge!!!


Without which, you would have no business at all, just a model.

Tell me, I'm sure others are interested too, what, I repeat, WHAT is going to be done about all this? AND more importantly, WHEN!!!

You/I/others see post after post - thread after thread asking, pleading, screaming the same questions!!! Dealing with the issues...

TIME TO ACT - don't you think?
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Totally agree - the only change I have seen is that instead of no reply you now receive an automated reply thanking you for your query . . .

Sedo have taken their eye off the ball at the worst time possible.

Nice one... Like a guy with balls to post...


Another thing:


Grabbed from drops couple of days ago...

Stuck in my account 'to be processed' BUT being displayed for sale at £3400 in someone elses account...

Why not sort all these things out, so things said to forum members that are proposed can be taken seriously?

You should parse the database daily!

If you don't, someone else will...

When folks migrate, you have to ask yourself WHY!
Great post, re confirms the reason i have never used Sedo personally or for clients, i have met most of the top guys and Girls personaly, they come across well, although, it is hard to find someone who will praise their results.


Thanks too...

It's sad though isn't it... The folks are friendly and great BUT this is business!

If it were mine, necks would be on the block and heads would be rolling... lol:)

Fair comment... Now I'm back to adult I don't have the time to mess, waiting on what might be...

Why I hung around?

Benifit of the doubt really as YES, I too have spoken with Nora, she sounds great, swithched on cookie - BUT, theirs a big jump from Director of ops and middle management/ground floor personnel...

Middle management shake up what's needed from what I see... A kick ass - take names approach from a guy or gal who can get stuff done that's way past due...

Set the task, delegate responsiblity then crack on... Whip the slack out when required to do so but motivating with a juicy reward for on time delivery...
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Time is money, money is time...

Lack of support to management can frustrate things occasionally, BUT, that's when you have to resort to military tactics - improvise, adapt, overcome...

Obtain objectives at all cost, especially if the very foundation (customers/clients) are screaming out for it...

ACTION is required now, TODAY!!! not six months from now after board meetings and discussions... It's why I've got a team together for the adult domain sector, so we can crack on...

Two kinds of people in life:

1) those who moan about the situation


2) those who crack on with a solution.

ME - I'm a solutions man, always have been, always will be...

Less than 12 months back in the adult biz and I'll have a solution for adult domain holders to run with...

It's on the table right noiw, being hammered out!!!

Got the scripters, got the crew, got the industry contacts... Just pulling it all together... Exact time to delivery? - When it arrives!

What's more is - you will KNOW what your getting paid IS the lions share!!!

Adult pays out more than any niche / all niches put together when you do it right...

In adult, when you need money, it's simple, shoot product and distribute!!!

In parking?

Well, currently your in for a long wait BUT keep an eye out, you'll see what can be done for adult domaining...

Don't care how it's done, just that it WILL BE done!!!

Their - off my chest now... Feel much better for saying it...

No more 'hiding' in the shadows...

Been working quietly on this for months...

A little more 'hammering' to square things up - to pull it all together our end...

Once done, it will be delivered!

Nearly time to lay old www to rest now I think...

The new man is in my sig. ready, will be active after InterNEXT.

Let www live a little longer just in case you guys still need coms over the pending, ground breaking Adult Domain Auction.
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I point my names to sedo just so they get in the system (For potential sales)then once they are added i move them to NameDrive.
I moved from Namedrive to Sedo Pro in November and I now earn at least double. The Dollar is too weak for me to even consider pointing to Namedrive.

Whereas I moved all my names from SedoPro to Streamic as Sedo placed trademarked keywords on a domain name I had specifically told them not to.

No news yet on if they are operating a compensation scheme to domains lost in that manner - if a DRS / Legal complaints occur I will be going after Sedo as a result though :)

Very poor form considering the business they are in is PPC based on domain names.
365 - I'm still waiting for a reply to an email sent a month ago to a specific person who is responsible for handling a sale. No response to follow ups either. If that's acceptable to you, good luck to you in business and life.

Parking is one thing. Handling sales another ball game.

But you're right. Why keep dealing with Sedo if they apparently don't care less? Well, you give them the benefit of the doubt, especially with the likes of Brad working for them. But I think they have simply lost sight of what has made them so big so quickly.
it comes down to where I make more money. I'd be interested to know how your Streamic income compares to your Sedo Pro.

I agree - it was a case of making money in a safe and legitmate manner, something that I wanted to do but sedo changed.

It depends what type of domains people own - if you have decent generics and the like that are worth decent cash there is little point losing them for the sake of an extra few pence per click scraped out by using dodgy keywords.

It is the general attitude and quality that has gone down hill and the TM aspect was the final straw which made me move my names. There was a couple of transactions ongoing and one I had told them Sedo bloke I was posting .uk forms to the buyer and he replied asking if I was sending them to Nominet. No I replied, as they have to go to the buyer etc.

I cannot say much about it but I had earlier in the year asked sedo for an apprisal of a domain name and within a couple of hours I had an email back "we notice this isnt yours, let us broker it" etc due to the value.

If they were that quick on the uptake on other areas things could still be going well but the customer service area does need looking at. As posted above, the individuals seems to be decent people , but as a whole the company is having a rocky period.

Plus I fall for gadgets and gifts, so the Streamic bottle of pop and chocs went down very well :)
IMHO - as with all deals, a deadline should be set for all 'agreed' sales to be cleared...

How long does a two minute phone call take?

Two minutes - 1) to establish a cut off date 2) to 'establish' Bank Transfer etc and verify if genuine or not...

Heck, via Acorn, you can close a deal same day, have paperwork wrapped in under a week with transfer in most cases...

Lot better than having domains off the market - period!
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They make a phone call and say if you haven't paid by *insert date* then ... then what?

YOUR NAME gets back on the open market quicker!!!

As to your other comments:

'The real world' - GET'S THE JOB DONE!!!
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LOL... Not sure where your going with the end of your last comment... But - Whatever................


Have to agree, sedo has changed...

Sadly though, the changes I know we've all wanted, haven't happened...
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Hi wwwdomain.name

Good post
Personally speaking and i know this is going to upset a few of you.
Parked pages is the lazy way of earning Dogs craps and i mean Dogs craps.
If you own the name you should be getting the loins share and its clear you dont.

You should be telling people the price costs to advertise on your names not the other way around.work this one out is sedo sold for say £50 million for 50% where do you think that money is going to come from its going to come from all suckers who park domains with park page companys.

its about time you guys had your own advertisers and charge your own fees
so if you like parking pages then thats fine but dont moan when you dont get the right treatment

also would suggest you change your tag bottom of the page as reads
SEDO Pro! Need an invite? PM me.
lol 365

Lighten up please...

You know their are faults in the current MO
Life too short...

Two kinds of people in life:


Doers - You will find use one liners a lot, as their too busy to talk...

Nuff meddling, got stuff to do...
I moved from Namedrive to Sedo Pro in November and I now earn at least double. The Dollar is too weak for me to even consider pointing to Namedrive.

Are you sure about that?

Google pay all partners in dollars ASFAIK.

Correct me if im wrong.
Also dont Sedo use a guess value per click system (cant think of a better way to describe it sorry) where as namedrive is based on the actual rev they recieve from Google.
Hi wwwdomain.name
You should be telling people the price costs to advertise on your names not the other way around.

Great reply DS2

Bang on the money!!!

LOL... on the SPro invite... Almost removed it earlier... Own AD feeds arriving...

I'm getting ready for mass migration, once the front end / back end is sorted - then it's PARTY TIME!!!

But hey, everyones gonna be invited...;)

Just like they were to the first ever adult domain auction. :cool:
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