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Perhaps not all tld domains are taken?

Dec 28, 2008
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I just this minute bought my own names, domain names with .uk and .com. I searched for these years ago but .com was taken and I didn't have the rights for the .uk extension. I hadn't thought about purchasing my name for years but today, I just so happened to be searching for someone I know of online, to see if they had a site, I typed in their name to no avail. But then I thought, I'd just type in my own name. The page couldn't be reached, so I thought maybe, just maybe the page doesn't exist. So I went to my registrar & found that the domain name was not taken & registered it immediately. I did the same with the .com name. My complete name is a very common English name & it is not a difficult name to spell, so to say I was shocked that both names were available, is an understatement ! The .co.uk is not available but I'm not concerned at all, it looks like a pretty dead site, the page was last updated Dec 2005, so I'm happy with what I got today. The .com tld has been bought & transferred by various big domain companies since the year 2000, but deleted since Jan of this year. So I think it might sometime pay off to keep checking for that tld domain name that you desire.
The myth that all the good domain names are gone/taken is one that has been used to launch many new TLDs.


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