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Premium Ketamine Domains- KetamineTherapy.co.uk and more

Sep 19, 2013
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Ketamine therapy is exploding.
Ketamine therapy is a revolutionary treatment that is growing exponentially. Ketamine clinics are opening up as ketamine therapy becomes mainstream.

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I want to party with you, Ben! You sound like a real charmer.
Kidding aside though, I’m curious why you think the EMD of a medical breakthrough therapy is so bad?

Ketamine therapy is searched thousands of times a month in the UK and over 50k a month in the US.
Ketamine infusions are keeping people from committing suicide.
It is tremendously effective with combating alcohol addiction.
And opioid addiction.
It is very promising as a post operative pain management option that rivals the efficacy of opioids but none of the horrific addictive consequences.
It is the best medical option available today for those suffering with PTSD.
It is also the best medical therapy available for chronic depression.

You never know Ben, one day you may be suffering from one of the above and be forever grateful for ketamine therapy… hope not.
Perhaps, but the UK market is not the American market. Ketamine is a class B controlled substance and the NHS is not a privatised service. That means nobody who can prescribe cutting edge therapies using ketamine in the UK, is going to do so off license illegally. And those who are able to prescribe it, will do so through the NHS, not through KetamineTreatment.co.uk or the like. I feel like you've not done your proper research here, and as such, the domains are worthless.
Why would I target prescribers though?
The end user of a domain like ketaminetherapy.co.uk or ketamineclinics.co.uk is a ketamine clinic. There are many clinics already operating in the UK, 4 examples are Cognacity, SaveMinds, Ketamine Clinic London, and Awakn Life Sciences… more will undoubtedly open, there is absolutely no way ketamine therapy will go back underground. The UK market will follow the US market because there is billions of dollars to be made and the money ball is already rolling. It is that simple.
To put it in perspective-
Let’s say you are the owner of SaveMinds.co.uk, a legitimate ketamine therapy clinic in the UK, are you saying ketaminetherapy.co.uk is worthless to you?
It's been going downhill here for the last 8 years or so.

Members have seemingly forgotten it's actually fine to have an opinion and not have to share it.

Opinions are like arseholes. Everybody has one.

"If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing" is lost on the majority of active Acorn Domain members.
Bit ironic, no? Considering that's your own subjective opinion?

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