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Press Release - Helmuts Meskonis acquires the AcornDomains.co.uk


May 18, 2010
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London, UK, April 15, 2023


Helmuts Meskonis, a renowned entrepreneur and domain name investor, has successfully acquired the largest UK domain name investor forum, AcornDomains.co.uk. The transaction was completed on April 13, 2023. The owner company is Helmuts Limited, and the company to operate Acorn Domains forum is No Stress Limited, which also operates the global hosting brand HostMaria.

The acquisition follows almost a year of negotiations and builds on Helmuts's broader strategy to guarantee the success of the upcoming London Domain Summit by securing his ability to inform Acorn Domain forum's members of this annual B2B convention London Domain Summit for the global and European domain name industry. The London Domain Summit, which brings together the domain name industry, is scheduled to take place later this August 22-23 at Hilton London Metropole.

AcornDomains.co.uk, the oldest UK domain name investor community, and forum, and has over 15400 registered members and more than 625000 posts. The acquisition aligns well with London Domain Summit's mission to connect the domain name industry and create more business opportunities for everyone in the industry.

Commenting on the acquisition, Helmuts Meskonis said:
"I am thrilled to have completed the acquisition of AcornDomains.co.uk. The forum has a long-standing, almost sacred, reputation as one of the most valuable resources for domain name investors in the UK and beyond, and we are committed to ensuring its continued success.
We are excited to announce that we will be bringing in several more moderators from the established Acorn Domains community to help ensure that the forum continues to be a friendly and safe place for everyone. Our goal is to provide an environment that fosters productive discussions and connections, while also promoting the financial success of all of our members.
With the addition of moderators, we hope to maintain order and civility in all discussions, allowing everyone to feel comfortable and respected while participating. By doing so, we believe that we can help our members achieve even greater success in their business ventures, and strengthen the bonds of our community.
We firmly believe that if there is no order, there can be no peace and prosperity. With that in mind, we are committed to making our forum the best possible place for all members to learn, grow, and connect.
And also a huge thanks to Steve Napier for carrying the torch for so many years, and letting me be a part of what I think is one of the most important resources in the UK domain industry; it is truly an honor."

Helmuts Meskonis is also working on several other strategic partnership deals related to both AcornDomains.co.uk and London Domain Summit. The first strategic partnership has already been signed with the London-based Intis Telecom, specifically the fast-growing domain name zone it.com.

The financial terms of the deal have not been disclosed.

For more information about the acquisition or the London Domain Summit, please contact Helmuts Meskonis via email at [email protected].
The community would appear to be in good hands.

Well done!

Thank you! We have 2 more moderators, both the most respected Acorn Domains members: @Sam and @lazarus

@Admin account has been fully passed over to Felix, and he might take his time to introduce himself when the time is right!


@Paullas and @Adam H > Thank you for all your great work keeping Acorn Domains the safe place for the UK domain investors as it is today! Respect!!
Congrats Helmuts!

Acorn is a great community with a vast amount of experience between its members.
Lately it has been getting a bit quiet in terms of actually useful content and the promotion of auctions and other domain sales has been dominating and overpowering the relevant and deeply-meaningful posts.
Personally I would close the Domain Name Auctions section and not allow these promotional posts anymore. There are only a very few auction sites and we all know them, no need for reminders. Unpopular opinion, I'm sure...

Any plans to update/migrate the forum platform?

The financial terms of the deal...
I don't see it yet in DomainSalesHistory.uk :p
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Congrats Helmuts!

Acorn is a great community with a vast amount of experience among its members.
Lately, it has been getting a bit quiet in terms of actually useful content and the promotion of auctions and other domain sales has been dominating and overpowering the relevant and deeply-meaningful posts.
Personally, I would close the Domain Name Auctions section and not allow these promotional posts anymore. There are only a very few auction sites and we all know them, no need for reminders. Unpopular opinion, I'm sure...

Any plans to update/migrate the forum platform?

I don't see it yet in DomainSalesHistory.uk :p

Good evening,

You are 100% correct - Acorn is a great community and I will be very careful making any changes. It is easy to make rash decisions, isn't it? :)

We will see how to deal with the user posts that can be classified as 'dumping names for sale'.

Do we really need big changes here? :) The priority is for everybody to feel safe, interact with each other, and be able to do more business.

About migrating > not really.
About updates > these will be necessary. You don't want to see the backend ;)

In 2 words > I have huge respect for Acorn and don't plan any Revolution here :)

The only part that will change: is the business model, membership pricing (optional) and banner pricing to be able to exist as a business.

Best wishes!
Congrats Helmuts!

Acorn is a great community with a vast amount of experience between its members.
Lately it has been getting a bit quiet in terms of actually useful content and the promotion of auctions and other domain sales has been dominating and overpowering the relevant and deeply-meaningful posts.
Personally I would close the Domain Name Auctions section and not allow these promotional posts anymore. There are only a very few auction sites and we all know them, no need for reminders. Unpopular opinion, I'm sure...

Any plans to update/migrate the forum platform?

I don't see it yet in DomainSalesHistory.uk :p

I agree with this the domain auction section should be closed down no need for it and this has been taking over the forum.
I wouldn't close it down I would just exclude it from showing up in the new posts that way the site still has content but if people want to buy and sell domains they have to go to the relevant sections to look for what they are looking for.
I wouldn't close it down I would just exclude it from showing up in the new posts that way the site still has content but if people want to buy and sell domains they have to go to the relevant sections to look for what they are looking for.

Yes, Paul, your suggestion seems to be very reasonable. This most probably will be done. Still, let us not make rash decisions :)

Best wishes!
First of all - Congrats @Helmuts - I definitely like the approach of slow and considered.

Congrats Helmuts!

Acorn is a great community with a vast amount of experience between its members.
Lately it has been getting a bit quiet in terms of actually useful content and the promotion of auctions and other domain sales has been dominating and overpowering the relevant and deeply-meaningful posts.
Personally I would close the Domain Name Auctions section and not allow these promotional posts anymore. There are only a very few auction sites and we all know them, no need for reminders. Unpopular opinion, I'm sure...

Any plans to update/migrate the forum platform?

I don't see it yet in DomainSalesHistory.uk :p

I agree with this the domain auction section should be closed down no need for it and this has been taking over the forum.

I'm new to domaining comparatively to most on here, roughly 2016 then 2020 took it a bit more seriously. So I never experienced what this forum was like at it's peak. However, the primary purpose of this forum for me is to get an overview of the market. Numerous domains have been bought from a post on here linking to an auction. Including one in the last week from @Paullas. The fact that sales alone happen through these posts should be enough evidence to show that there is a benefit to them and to the forum in general.

I believe I would visit on a less frequent basis without the activity or being able to view in recent posts.
First of all - Congrats @Helmuts - I definitely like the approach of slow and considered.

I'm new to domaining comparatively to most on here, roughly 2016 then 2020 took it a bit more seriously. So I never experienced what this forum was like at it's peak. However, the primary purpose of this forum for me is to get an overview of the market. Numerous domains have been bought from a post on here linking to an auction. Including one in the last week from @Paullas. The fact that sales alone happen through these posts should be enough evidence to show that there is a benefit to them and to the forum in general.

I believe I would visit on a less frequent basis without the activity or being able to view in recent posts.

Thank you :)

And, thank you for your feedback. This is exactly one of the reasons why decisions like these should be taken with caution, and it will be.

All the success!!

p.s. see you in London in August? :)

re: auctions, personally think its better to keep it and while on the subject, could the domainlore prefix be added back? thanks

Thank you.

domainlore haven't been really talkative up to this point :) .. tried to contact them earlier in regards to the previous Domain Summit.. maybe this year, maybe next one? :) .. not in a rush, everything has its own time.

.. this is exactly the reason why we need to have at least annual meetups - to be able to do business :)
Hearty congratulations Helmuts, and thanks also to Steve who was an accommodating owner. You have a good moderation team too. Best wishes for the future.
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Hearty congratulations Helmut, and thanks also to Steve who was an accommodating owner. You have a good moderation team too. Best wishes for the future.

Thank you, Dale. It is an honor! See you in London this August? :)

Best wishes, Helmuts
Thank you, Dale. It is an honor! See you in London this August? :)

Best wishes, Helmuts
Oops, sorry for not spelling your name correctly - edited. I'm in Thailand and don't get back to the mother country very often. I have some ideas on how you might get more traction here. Please message me with a convenient email address :)
Oops, sorry for not spelling your name correctly - edited. I'm in Thailand and don't get back to the mother country very often. I have some ideas on how you might get more traction here. Please message me with a convenient email address :)

No worries for 100% :) used to misspelled versions of my name :)

Dale, maybe even better? Shall we do a livestream :) times by times I keep stumbling upon your name, and it would be great to know more about you :) How does this sound? Best! H

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