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sales pitch email

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Jul 13, 2004
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Hi, so i think its time i pulled my finger from my backside and started prop actively contacting end users. Can anyone give any good example emails to use and what works etc.

Pm is fine but really need to shift my domains now so any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance
thanks scott. Im not looking for a make a millions email just ways that could work. I have spoken to a few people past week and the bullshit ive heard on how they are making thousands a month :) but for some reason don't want to share what names they sold or email tactic.
Glad this thread came up, would love to see some of the examples some of you use. I get so many emails every week of someone trying to sell a domain to me "which is like a domain i own" which i instantly brush off as spam or completely ignore.

I often wonder what people consider to be a real pitch that actually gets a bite, I rarely reach out to sell a domain but im no domainer and only aim to make a sale or two a year.

Would be interesting to see what those of you that do make regular sales through outreach actually use.
thanks scott. Im not looking for a make a millions email just ways that could work. I have spoken to a few people past week and the bullshit ive heard on how they are making thousands a month :) but for some reason don't want to share what names they sold or email tactic.

It's odd because it's not like domainers are really in direct competition with each other. Maybe it's like a lot of the Internet Marketing people, always trying to portray they're sat on a beach in Florida when actually they're in a back bedroom of their mum's house in Crewe?

I used to make quite regular sales of low XXX FTR domains with a very direct email like Federer uses (I think I got it off one of his threads and just amended it slightly). For example I sold homehelpservice .co.uk this way for about £200 after a quick email to about 10 potential buyers.

To me, it's like any sales and should be about targeting. Any email where you have to say 'this would make a great site for xxxxxxx or xxxxxx' is a waste of time. The domain's usefulness should be immediately apparent to the end user. If it isn't, your domain is rubbish, you're targeting the wrong people or both.
Your better of waiting for an end user to contact you. Approaching and spamming companies opens up a whole can of worms and can end up you loosing the domain.
For higher quality domain names I agree it probably makes more sense to wait for buyers to come to you.

As for spamming, I don't think I'd classify a well targeted email personally addressed to a highly relevant potential buyer is spam.
I've never really been fussed to send out emails too much but I would think as Scott says it's more for low xxx domains

Lets say something like this as a starting point

Subject: bluewidget.co.uk for sale

Hello, I thought you might like to know I have the domain name bluewidget.co.uk for sale

If you would be interested in purchasing this domain, please reply to this email to discuss further



Company info

That's basically ok right?

But could/should the subject be different/better?

Is it better to include a price?

The email address it's coming from I would say matters, wouldn't look great coming from a free @gmail or @hotmail
Your better of waiting for an end user to contact you. Approaching and spamming companies opens up a whole can of worms and can end up you loosing the domain.

So do you not contact end users sean?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So do you not contact end users sean?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Sean - didn't you have a whole team of people doing this for you?

In my experience (based on marketing about 30 domains of middling quality) I have only sold about 1 in 5 times. I personally have therefore found it to be only marginally worth it at best, and also incredibly boring activity to do!
Contacting end users is always something i have struggled to do. My tactic over the past 18 months was if i can concentrate purely on adding enough quality, then the sales will come to me, even if i just park the domains on the likes of Sedo. This has worked with some success, but a good month could be followed by a breaking even month, i think this approach could work better if using a decent landing page/contact form or using DomainNameSales like a few pros here do.

I look through drop lists and research domains as enjoyment, contacting end users really is work. I suppose those interested in domaining are a mixture, some as enjoyment, some to complement being a web designer etc. It's a difficult one, like mentioned some may not see contacting end users time well spent or lack motivation as self employed work is not everyone's cup of tea. Maybe a time planner allocating 3 hours a week to contact end users might be a good idea.
This is one I received a few hours ago:


Our company, {name}, own a number of brandable, highly searched for domain names. At the moment we have a domain name that you would find both desirable and advantageous to take ownership of. The domain name is {None of the words they just described}.

This domain can be forwarded to your existing site or used as a separate site all together. The domain would be an advantage in the search engines but also in offline marketing campaigns as potential customers will find it easy to remember.

If you would like to discuss purchasing this domain, please reply to this email or you can call me on {number}.

I would listen to and consider all offers for this digital asset.

I'd be happy to answer any questions and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best Regards

To me, the domain they are peddling (a .co.uk) is none of the words they described in the first paragraph, and not of interest at all to us. So the first bad step is in sending us a domain that is of no interest.

The second paragraph makes it sound like I would never own it (yes I know different) but you need to make things crystal clear. I don't feel this paragraph is needed, and is just padding out the email.
The second paragraph makes it sound like I would never own it (yes I know different) but you need to make things crystal clear. I don't feel this paragraph is needed, and is just padding out the email.

i'd like to think whoever sent that appreciates the comments, learned from it and further hopes that the insights help others looking at a similar approach :cool:
Here is one I have just received, the sender using a [email protected] email address....

Hello, our client is looking for people who might be interested in buying domain name **********.com

Our client is looking for offers in seven figure range.

Please let me know if you would be interested.

Thank you,
Joe Bloggs.
Here is one I have just received, the sender using a [email protected] email address....

Hello, our client is looking for people who might be interested in buying domain name **********.com

Our client is looking for offers in seven figure range.

Please let me know if you would be interested.

Thank you,
Joe Bloggs.

well, nice one if that works, but i wouldn't bite.

the main problem is not the cost, but the impersonal nature of the mail. "looking for people who might be interested" indeed - rather something like "I believe you and your company would be interested to know that domain X is available to own"
well, nice one if that works, but i wouldn't bite.

the main problem is not the cost, but the impersonal nature of the mail. "looking for people who might be interested" indeed - rather something like "I believe you and your company would be interested to know that domain X is available to own"

I know, it is shockingly unprofessional. Can the guy really believe that buyers in the seven figure range will take him seriously ? Moron !
I know, it is shockingly unprofessional. Can the guy really believe that buyers in the seven figure range will take him seriously ? Moron !

if it was a spectacular, awe inspiring domain it might work once, but i shudder to think of the time and effort you would have to spend trying to find the one person that goes "yeah, ok, here's my card" :D
Here is the template I am currently using. It has generated over 10 sales this week alone:



A domain name that we are currently selling may be of interest to your company:


Let us know if there is any interest as we are reaching out to some prospective buyers.

Best Regards,

Luc Biggs

Rua Antonio Leal de Ascensão
2560-309 Torres Vedras
Direct: (+351) 215 404 449
Cell: (+351) 912 129 084

- If you would prefer not to be contacted about domain acquisition opportunities in the future, please respond with opt out or unsubscribe in the subject line. This is a one-time advertisement.


I have masterered the marketing down to 15mins/domain. A couple of hours marketing/day usually results in at least 1-2 sales/day.
Important to try and personalise each email (even if it's just a few words, or including the name of the company you are contacting) and keep a list of companies/emails that do not want to be contacted again about domain-offers.

Tip: to speed up marketing dramatically, I type in these keywords in Google.co.uk when searching for leads (and their contact details):

"Out Of Home Advertising" .co.uk email

In most cases, the first 1-8 pages of results will give you more targeted email addresses than you need. 10-25 emails to targeted companies will land you the 1-2 "how much" replies you need to convert at least 1 sale.
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