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Vote Starts Today- Instructions

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Apr 24, 2007
Reaction score
Elected non-executive directors
Every year Nominet members have the opportunity to nominate and vote for two elected non-executive director positions.
This year we received three nominations, from Sebastien Lahtinen, Reza Sobati and Thomas Vollrath.
You should get a email from popularis giving you username and pswd to vote online. to read up on the 3 candidates visit link below
The nominees’ election materials are available at:
www.votepopularis.com/nominet using your username and password:
Your user name is: in email
Your password is: in email

Yours sincerely,
Reza Sobati
You should get a email from popularis giving you username and pswd to vote online.

I received the Popularis email, but it was deemed to be spam and was delivered to my junk folder, people might want to check their spam/junk folders if they don't receive it.
received no email and searched junk and spam and nothing :confused:
received no email and searched junk and spam and nothing :confused:

Perhaps an obvious question, but are you a Nominet member as you won't receive this if not?

Received the email yesterday and postal pack today.
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