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100 product domains at reduced prices: TabletopComputers(.)com CrossNecklaces(.)net +

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Apr 20, 2010
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Getting ready to make some money this holiday season? Get your e-commerce sites booming with the following 100 quality product domains that are now for sale at heavily reduced prices!

AllInOneLaserPrinter.com - $99 - 2900 - $4.30
BoardGamesForAdults.com - $99 - 2400 - $0.43
BulkChocolateTruffles.com - $99 - 91 - $1.38
CassetteToMP3Converter.com - $99 - 1600 - $0.73
Celtic-Rings.com - $299 - 4400 - $1.33
CheapVerticalBlinds.com - $99 - 1300 - $2.69
ChristeningGownsForBoys.com - $99 - 1600 - $0.78
CouchCushionCovers.com - $99 - 880 - $0.78
DesignerLaptopSleeves.com - $199 - 880 - $1.51
FleaPillsForDogs.com - $99 - 1600 - $2.57
GourmetPopcornKernels.com - $99 - 480 - $1.25
GummyVitaminsForAdults.com - $99 - 1000 - $1.88
LeatherBraceletsForWomen.com - $99 - 1600 - $1.13
MultivitaminForWomen.com - $99 - 1900 - $2.75
OnesiesForBabies.com - $299 - 1900 - $1.16
PageantDressesForLittleGirls.com - $199 - 1900 - $0.45
PersonalAlarmsForTheElderly.com - $199 - 720 - $12.55
TabletopComputer.com - $999 - 260 - $3.49
USBHardDriveAdapter.com - $99 - 1000 - $0.69
WaterBathCanner.com - $99 - 880 - $0.46
WholesaleChocolateTruffles.com - $99 - 110 - $1.41
ATVWheels.net - $99 - 2900 - $0.89
BabyLeggings.net - $99 - 2900 - $0.84
BillOrganizer.net - $99 - 2900 - $0.88
BlazersForMen.net - $99 - 12100 - $1.57
BridalEarrings.net - $99 - 2900 - $1.12
CerealBars.net - $99 - 2400 - $2.38
ChristmasTreeDecorations.net - $299 - 14800 - $0.97
ClubbingDresses.net - $99 - 8100 - $0.67
CondenserTumbleDryer.net - $99 - 8100 - $1.29
CrossNecklaces.net - $99 - 5400 - $0.96
DeepCycleBatteries.net - $99 - 5400 - $0.75
DesignerWallpaper.net - $99 - 14800 - $0.59
DetoxTea.net - $99 - 3600 - $1.28
Digital-Camera-Reviews.net - $99 - 110000 - $0.64
DropCeilingTiles.net - $99 - 4400 - $2.06
EspressoCoffeeMaker.net - $99 - 1900 - $1.81
FurniturePackages.net - $99 - 2400 - $1.42
GarageAccessories.net - $99 - 1000 - $1.88
GPSCarTracker.net - $99 - 2400 - $3.91
HealthySmoothies.net - $99 - 5400 - $1.42
HighWaistedJeans.net - $299 - 18100 - $1.23
InexpensiveWeddingDresses.net - $99 - 6600 - $1.01
KettlebellsForSale.net - $99 - 3600 - $1.36
KidsRoomDecor.net - $99 - 5400 - $0.80
LaboratoryGlassware.net - $99 - 2900 - $1.45
LaminatingSheets.net - $99 - 1900 - $5.25
LatestCellPhones.net - $99 - 2400 - $7.13
MakeUpBase.net - $99 - 2400 - $1.78
Massage-Oil.net - $99 - 22200 - $1.31
MensDesignerShoes.net - $99 - 3600 - $2.12
MiniSewingMachine.net - $99 - 4400 - $0.42
Omega3Supplements.net - $99 - 3600 - $3.47
PatioChairCushions.net - $99 - 4400 - $2.38
PhysicalTherapyEquipment.net - $99 - 2400 - $1.87
PolytheneBags.net - $99 - 2900 - $4.32
PrescriptionLenses.net - $99 - 1600 - $2.69
PrintedShirts.net - $99 - 1600 - $2.17
QuiltSets.net - $99 - 1900 - $1.03
RimlessEyeglasses.net - $99 - 3600 - $1.43
RubberSheet.net - $99 - 5400 - $1.63
SewingCabinets.net - $99 - 1600 - $0.80
SlipCoversForSofas.net - $99 - 590 - $1.08
SolarPoweredGenerator.net - $99 - 4400 - $1.66
StairRailings.net - $99 - 2400 - $1.56
Tire-Chains.net - $99 - 12100 - $0.99
TouchScreenMobiles.net - $99 - 9900 - $4.54
Wall-Murals.net - $99 - 27100 - $1.57
WeddingFavorBags.net - $99 - 1900 - $1.27
White-Dresses.net - $99 - 40500 - $1.01
WholesaleWeddingDresses.net - $99 - 4400 - $1.11
WomensWallets.net - $99 - 3600 - $1.68
AlarmSystemsForHome.org - $99 - 1000 - $26.78
BabyBows.org - $99 - 1900 - $0.45
BodyPiercingJewelry.org - $99 - 2400 - $0.82
BridalShowerGifts.org - $299 - 14800 - $1.28
ChildrensBikes.org - $99 - 5400 - $0.74
ClipInExtensions.org - $99 - 14800 - $0.87
CustomMadeShirts.org - $299 - 5400 - $2.40
DietTea.org - $99 - 1900 - $1.69
DressingTables.org - $99 - 9900 - $0.68
EarringsForMen.org - $99 - 12100 - $0.92
Eye-Makeup.org - $99 - 49500 - $2.66
GirlsBedroomFurniture.org - $99 - 5400 - $1.20
GutterHelmet.org - $99 - 5400 - $2.55
HIDKits.org - $99 - 12100 - $1.12
InternationalCallingCard.org - $99 - 4400 - $6.92
InternationalPhoneCards.org - $99 - 4400 - $6.40
KneeSupports.org - $99 - 2400 - $1.34
MiniSD.org - $99 - 9900 - $0.85
Pantethine.org - $99 - 2900 - $2.25
PersonalizedLicensePlates.org - $99 - 4400 - $1.16
RareStamps.org - $99 - 3600 - $0.53
ShoulderBraces.org - $99 - 880 - $1.17
SteeringWheelCovers.org - $99 - 9900 - $0.48
VehicleTrackingSystem.org - $99 - 8100 - $16.27
VintageTees.org - $99 - 3600 - $0.88
WallArtStickers.org - $99 - 9900 - $0.87
Wedding-Gowns.org - $99 - 90500 - $0.89
WristBraces.org - $99 - 1000 - $1.19

The prices go back up after Monday, November 12.

Payment options include PayPal (if we approve), Google Checkout (if we approve), bank wire, Bank of America counter deposit, mailed check/money order, or escrow via Escrow.com (buyer pays escrow fees). Multi-forum post. Timestamp determines who gets the domain. Post or PM the domains you wish to buy. All sales are final.
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