wow .. there is SO much for me to touch here that i am excited to start telling my perspective... but where do i begin (haha)
ok.. let me start by saying that this is just ONE MAN'S view - one man's opinion.
I have
some facts and stats tangled together with philosophical views and behaviours as well... i would prefer to keep the 'debate' calm and civil, as this topic seems to bring some heat with it (AMAZINGLY so!).
i can't think of any other genre where it is more important (if buying), to buy one decent domain rather than dozens or hundreds of others of crappy ones
far better to grab one nice generic/brandable like 3dworld or something and develop into an info site and list products, news etc and get ranked well.
sitting on lots of average ones will get people nowhere imho
just an observation from the 50 page threads i have seen on forums
the other problem is, the domains look damn ugly with 3d in them and then words imho
i don't own one
I've read the same arguments all over the place... and on the surface, it may sound like it makes sense... and this probably makes more sense in today's domain market as opposed to say, 4-5 years ago... with that said..
... 3d is a different thing altogether and the reason is because 3d has now opened the doors on hundreds of new niche searches and genre's. It's not as simple as throwing a 3d in front of or in back of a popular search term - it has to still make sense... but 3d is already being applied to so many industries and about to create an entire new world of search terms that you can almost argue that it's a brand new domain industry.
I have been reading, researching and studying 3d for a long time so i do know alot of what is coming and is already in the pipeline. We all know the common 3d names being tossed around ... '3d movies, 3d games, 3d dvds...etc... but this goes much further and deeper those 3 genre's.
Consider all these industries and products - and THEN - consider the parellel industries they will create with it... for example...
3d mobile... 3d cable... 3d maps... 3d computers... 3d cinema... 3d camera's... 3d printers... 3d camcorders... 3d gps... 3d photo's ... 3d education... 3d careers... 3d scanners... 3d games... 3d movies... 3d dvds... 3d animation... 3d programmers... 3d development and then ultimately .. 3d web sites, which will, IMO really kick the doors in on the whole industry.
those would be the parent categories... but what about the sub categories.. the more 'niche', streamline categories that are sure to follow... like ..
3d camera lenses... or 3d printing... 3d business cards or 3d brochures... 3d dvd makers or 3d dvd burners... how about the sub-3d gaming categories... like 3d car games...or 3d driving simulation... or 3d flash sites... 3d home designs ... or 3d science and the medical field that is already using 3d technology in most areas... or 3d education, which many companies have already begun teaching their employees in ONLY 3d.... what about the websites on the way that will feature ALL 3d graphics and virtual worlds... XML 3d is going to be PRETTY big as well... or say you want to plan a vacation online... look for 3d vacaions where the beaches and cloud almost seem like you're right there... how nice would it be to have THAT website.. your close rate would go through the roof
... there's so much more .. I can keep listing peripheral categories like this all day .. the point is.. is that 3d is about to swing open a door that has yet to be opened or even broached... i look at this like pure, white, untouched snow in a field with so many goodies buried beneath it that most won't know about until the snow has melted.
(MAN - that was a mouthful!!)
I've got a few, but have tried to avoid the "3d in front of anything" model:
3dbundle(s) - tv & bluray player; video cards & glasses etc.
3dtvhire, hire3dtv, 3dtvrental, rent3dtv
you have some good ones here stevebrowne...
i like 3dvideocamera the best, but i also like tv3d and free3dtv... (who doesn't like FREE?)
I think that anything that gets people excited about domains is great.
I'm not a fan of "3D" names per se, but would be delighted to be proven wrong as I think it'd be good for the industry.
For me there are far too many great domains in established commercial areas out there to put the same high values on something that is as yet unproven and that might have a very short shelf life.
I think a couple of people will make a killing in this area (if at least one hasn't already
), and the bandwagon jumpers with "3d+anything" or "anything+3d" or 3d brandable names will probably get burned unless they build real sites and services in the very near future.
I have touched on this exact thing in a few other big forums on the web... i agree - this is nothing but good for the domaining industry and i think it will help to remind people of the power of a domain name once again, as it seems to have slipped many people's minds.
A lot of the 3d domains I've seen recently smack mightily of "jumping on the bandwagon" desperation. For example, apart from the top 2-3 most obvious domains (e.g. 3dtv, 3d, 3dtelevision etc.) anything that's not or .com is a total waste of money.
Beyond that, 3d seems to have become the new "i" or "e": stick a "3d" in front of some semi-random expression and it's a quick path to riches...
... or, in reality, it's a quick path to being a few quid poorer with every misguided registration.
I must have seen over 1,000 3D domains come up for sale or appraisal on various domain forums in the last few weeks, and probably less than 20 of those will ever crack "regfee" value. That's not a very good ratio!
My advice: you're already FAR TOO LATE. If you're looking for 3Dsomething domains today that are still free to reg, you'll definitely be wasting your money.
Mind you, every new fad seems to bring a similar whiff of desperation. When YouTube started getting big and a couple of *Tube domains sold for reasonable amounts, suddenly domainers everywhere started going for anythingtube domains. 99.5% of those will expire eventually (whenever their owners finally see reason) having earned nothing and been worth exactly as much!
I do not see this as a waste of money - if done properly ..
.. the bottom line here in domaining is this ..
... we chase search terms.... it's as simple as that ..
domaining 101 - a good domain is one that is searched a lot, yes?... while yes, these are definitely the early days of 3d and honestly, most people only know of 3d movies that they have heard of from someone - nothing more - they don't know what's coming... when they DO - bet your bottom dollar, they will be searching... just about every single 3d domain name i own has increased their search volume by 300% and up in the past three-four months.
Come January 2011 (after the holiday season) and everybody is still searching google for some kind of 3d product thaht they finally got wind of, you may have a difference in opnions... but simply put... if every 3d domain name i own is sitting with no less than 1,000 searches come next year, i can't possibly see how it becomes a loser if there is a market.
I don't own a single 3D domain, to be honest. I would agree that 2-3 or 5 of them might sell for decent money, but the rest would never go above the reg fee. And... it looks ugly.
Same is with iAnything domains. Well, I have 2-3 of them but... nothing to do with iPad, iPhones etc. Closer to iWish (not exactly, but close
This is another craze and it will end. But domains like cars, sofas, food and even mousetrap are going to stay.
Just my 2P...
I think this differs because one - this 'pretty much' only speaks to apple people and two - is very limited in the ways it can apply... and third .. even more so than 3d .. one of the biggest games of speculation around with no real evidence of anything coming to reality ... even up until Steve Jobs announced his new tablet's name on broadcast television, no one knew... that was like an NBA draft, or Bingo .. everyone sitting arond with their iNames wiating to see what Steve-o wanted to call it - originally labeled as the Slate, if you remember)
3d however - IS a reality... these products and industries i listed ARE FACT
i don't know if i would be penalized for self promotion, but at some point, i will show you some names i have that i think will be very valuable... and they're NOT the four or five names that everyone wants to mention (3dtv...3ddvd...3d movies..etc)
WOW .. now THAT - was a post!!!
Sorry for those i lost in my babble... i had alot to say.
Hope a handful of you enjoy this thread... it can be a lot of fun to talk about.