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Corona please read very important

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I reckon ive had this. And its bloody horrible. Now day 10 of complete lockdown in the house with the family and everyone going stir crazy. No temperature. No fever but most of the other symptoms. Legs literally buckling at the slightest bit of physical exertion and being totally breathless.

Had a message from firend last night. His 74 year neighbour has just died from it. Visited family about 3 week ago. Got a cough and went rapidly downhill. Generaly fit and healthy.


I don't care what the conspiracy theory is. It's pi**ing me off looking out the window and seeing groups of idiot teenagers who have ripped the tape of the gates of the kids park and are in there acting like muppets in groups of 5 of 6. Watching the local news to see people out acting like nothing is happening. Being selfish arseholes. People aren't getting it and people that dont need to will die because of it. Why take the risk ? If we are wrong then i'll happily take as many " i told you so's" down the road. Gloat away. Trouble is, as @Edwin said, its a totally one sided bet.
I reckon ive had this. And its bloody horrible. Now day 10 of complete lockdown in the house with the family and everyone going stir crazy. No temperature. No fever but most of the other symptoms. Legs literally buckling at the slightest bit of physical exertion and being totally breathless.

Sorry to hear that, hope you and family feel better soon
I reckon ive had this. And its bloody horrible. Now day 10 of complete lockdown in the house with the family and everyone going stir crazy. No temperature. No fever but most of the other symptoms. Legs literally buckling at the slightest bit of physical exertion and being totally breathless.

Had a message from firend last night. His 74 year neighbour has just died from it. Visited family about 3 week ago. Got a cough and went rapidly downhill. Generaly fit and healthy.


I don't care what the conspiracy theory is. It's pi**ing me off looking out the window and seeing groups of idiot teenagers who have ripped the tape of the gates of the kids park and are in there acting like muppets in groups of 5 of 6. Watching the local news to see people out acting like nothing is happening. Being selfish arseholes. People aren't getting it and people that dont need to will die because of it. Why take the risk ? If we are wrong then i'll happily take as many " i told you so's" down the road. Gloat away. Trouble is, as @Edwin said, its a totally one sided bet.

Sorry you have had it and I'm glad you are on the mend but let's not get things confused here. When I and others round here had exactly the same symptoms late last year, I didn't call for a lock down, I didn't call for people not to go to work to pay for the health service that I could have depended upon.

People always catch something, people have always died from catching something, that's life. Some innocent people will die from this, that is life. Some innocent people get run over and killed by drunk drivers, we don't ban cars from the road. It's life.

By the way, your parents might find their private pension stops paying out in 8 weeks. I hope everyone that is happy for a total lock down then look their elderly relatives in the eye say it's for your own good as they can no longer afford to turn on the hot water for a wash. Wait until to see how many people get killed by not washing correctly?

We have to take the emotion out of this and look at the numbers or more people will die.
Sorry to hear that, hope you and family feel better soon

Thanks. Think on the upslope, and on the grand scheme of things got away lightly i think . Havent been that blitzed since having very bad glandular fever about 12 years ago. Was out of it for 3 months back then. This is nasty. I can see how if you have any underlaying conditions its going to hammer you. Cant say for sure as havent been tested, but would suspect its it.

For context, i'm 49 and pretty fit and healthy. On average I cycle about 10 miles a day back and forth, walk everywhere rather than drive etc im not overweight ( well, maybe a tad but nothing even vaguely serious) and eat healithy with the kids/family.

It's totally caned me, and obviously doesnt discriminate. Seems like a bit of a lottery as too what it does to some people. Stay safe and inside peeps. You dont want it.
Sorry you have had it and I'm glad you are on the mend but let's not get things confused here. When I and others round here had exactly the same symptoms late last year, I didn't call for a lock down, I didn't call for people not to go to work to pay for the health service that I could have depended upon.

People always catch something, people have always died from catching something, that's life. Some innocent people will die from this, that is life. Some innocent people get run over and killed by drunk drivers, we don't ban cars from the road. It's life.

By the way, your parents might find their private pension stops paying out in 8 weeks. I hope everyone that is happy for a total lock down then look their elderly relatives in the eye say it's for your own good as they can no longer afford to turn on the hot water for a wash. Wait until to see how many people get killed by not washing correctly?

We have to take the emotion out of this and look at the numbers or more people will die.

Totally get that. And its not about emotions for me. Its about not getting enough people seriously ill in one go that the system cant cope. There is no immunity....we all know what it is, and I suspect we'll mostly all be getting it in some form unless theres a vaccine developed soon.
Totally get that. And its not about emotions for me. Its about not getting enough people seriously ill in one go that the system cant cope. There is no immunity....we all know what it is, and I suspect we'll mostly all be getting it in some form unless theres a vaccine developed soon.

Fair points. I'm not 100% sure I had it, but 99% sure I had it in December, although they say it is impossible - we'll see on that. It also knocked me for 6, coughing for another month, almost passing out and to be honest I think I had the lighter version of it.

Can I ask, I assume you haven't been tested, but I'm certain that you had had it. Do you consider yourself immune to it now? Or are you still taking precautions?
Fair points. I'm not 100% sure I had it, but 99% sure I had it in December, although they say it is impossible - we'll see on that. It also knocked me for 6, coughing for another month, almost passing out and to be honest I think I had the lighter version of it.

Can I ask, I assume you haven't been tested, but I'm certain that you had had it. Do you consider yourself immune to it now? Or are you still taking precautions?

Havent been tested, and as I said, cant 100% say ive had it, but it would seem very coincidental. I am 100% not thinking I have immunity now, as there have been cases of it reoccurring, although if i have had it then my immune system is building resistance as we speak like any other virus. I am also 100% still taking precautions. I havent left our flat in about 12 days now and wont be for at least another week. I have two kids going crazy ( thankfully we a garden space for them to get fresh air) They all seem fine thankfully and just hoping no one else starts showing symptoms.

Question for you. You think you had it in December ( appreciate before you would have known what it was) If you'd thought for a second it was as contagious as it is and people have no immunity , what would you have done ?
Thanks. Think on the upslope, and on the grand scheme of things got away lightly i think . Havent been that blitzed since having very bad glandular fever about 12 years ago. Was out of it for 3 months back then. This is nasty. I can see how if you have any underlaying conditions its going to hammer you. Cant say for sure as havent been tested, but would suspect its it.

For context, i'm 49 and pretty fit and healthy. On average I cycle about 10 miles a day back and forth, walk everywhere rather than drive etc im not overweight ( well, maybe a tad but nothing even vaguely serious) and eat healithy with the kids/family.

It's totally caned me, and obviously doesnt discriminate. Seems like a bit of a lottery as too what it does to some people. Stay safe and inside peeps. You dont want it.

Good to hear you are on the mend. Ever had asthma, diabetes, smoked or compromised immune system?
Good to hear you are on the mend. Ever had asthma, diabetes, smoked or compromised immune system?

Used to get very bad asthma as a kid , smoked a load of weed as an early adult, but havent in 20 years. Other than that, constitution of an ox. Its very rare I get ill really .

Thing is with all this, its not me im worried about. My parents are both high risk and my brother is EXTREMELY compromised. He's only a year out of beating two cancers. One of them pretty bad lung cancer. So the consequences for them are seriously scary.
For context, i'm 49 and pretty fit and healthy. On average I cycle about 10 miles a day back and forth, walk everywhere rather than drive etc im not overweight ( well, maybe a tad but nothing even vaguely serious) and eat healithy with the kids/family.

I was pondering how much being physically fit makes a difference in terms of the fitter you are the more tuned your cardiovascular system is and your ability to get oxygen around your body (assuming you have healthy red blood cells)

So even if your lungs are compromised for a bit because your oxygen use is so good it's not as bad as for an unfit person

Those 10 miles a day probably served you very well
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Question for you. You think you had it in December ( appreciate before you would have known what it was) If you'd thought for a second it was as contagious as it is and people have no immunity , what would you have done ?

In my own circumstances, a builder was in the house for a week and then in the second week we both got it on the same day. Fever, although my fever wasn't too bad, his was all the classic symptoms of this. Zero energy, sleeping 18 hours a day, then persistent cough for 21 days. At one point the cough got so bad that I almost passed out. If I look back now and say I was struggling to breathe, I'm not sure I'd be telling the truth. I was struggling to breath whilst I was coughing, but not struggling all the time if that makes sense. 5 days later, my builder's Mrs got it. Whatever it was seem to be contagious in the same way as this.

To be honest, I didn't have any energy to go out anyway. It was like for the first 7 days, self isolating was taken out of my hands anyway. My think at the time was that my partner had it in the weeks before, so it was my partner that passed it to us and therefore wouldn't have already been immune to it. I would have been more careful with my parents coming round at the time, I can't remember if they did turn up in that week or not.

I know they say it isn't possible, but if you go on twitter you will see many like myself who have had flu in the past who say this was something very different. A Warrington School closed in November after losing 40% of Children in sickness to flu-like symptoms. It's not proof but I believe this is a normally occuring abnormal type of illness that is being overdone by the media. I don't mean to infer that it's normal and equatable to a cold or something, it is a killer, but it's just normal that these killer diseases are out there.
Both covid-19 and flu are respiratory diseases with very similar symptoms.

Flu hits faster while covid-19 is more deadly, but there will always be people with flu who think they have or have had covid-19 - and vice versa.

"After an incubation period of just one to two days, the influenza symptoms start abruptly. Most people run a fever, and high temperatures in the 103 F to 104 F range are common. Nearly everyone has a runny nose and sore throat, but unlike ordinary colds, the flu also produces a hacking, dry cough. Muscle and joint aches can be severe. Headache, burning eyes, weakness, and extreme fatigue add to the misery. In most cases, the high fever and severe distress settle down in two to five days, but the cough can linger for a week or two and the fatigue even longer." Harvard Health
I know they say it isn't possible, but if you go on twitter you will see many like myself who have had flu in the past who say this was something very different. A Warrington School closed in November after losing 40% of Children in sickness to flu-like symptoms. It's not proof but I believe this is a normally occuring abnormal type of illness that is being overdone by the media. I don't mean to infer that it's normal and equatable to a cold or something, it is a killer, but it's just normal that these killer diseases are out there.

I dont think anyone is denying the fact that there are plenty of killers out there. Realistically im more liely to pop my clogs by running over my own mower cable than this at the moment as im not the demographic thats really at risk ( athough there seem to be people reacting badly who should be able to del with it ) Trouble is, my brother could very likely be a horrible statistic.

This has been pointed out as a new virus though, that there is zero immunity at the moment and it's highly highly contagious. If you have it, you will pass it on unless completely isolated.
Both covid-19 and flu are respiratory diseases with very similar symptoms.

Flu hits faster while covid-19 is more deadly, but there will always be people with flu who think they have or have had covid-19 - and vice versa.

"After an incubation period of just one to two days, the influenza symptoms start abruptly. Most people run a fever, and high temperatures in the 103 F to 104 F range are common. Nearly everyone has a runny nose and sore throat, but unlike ordinary colds, the flu also produces a hacking, dry cough. Muscle and joint aches can be severe. Headache, burning eyes, weakness, and extreme fatigue add to the misery. In most cases, the high fever and severe distress settle down in two to five days, but the cough can linger for a week or two and the fatigue even longer." Harvard Health

My understanding of it is that by the time most COVID-19 victims get into serious problems (days 10+), the Virus itself has already gone and testing for it is unlikely to be accurate. I believe that is also the case with a lot of Flu's. They basically came up with a term ILI (influenza like symptoms) as a catch all.

I could see how these two could be confused quite easily as neither are treatable and doctors just prescribe rest and fluids etc. As far as I know, doctors can only treat the after effects of flu and covid, such as pneumonia
Scandinavian countries are socially, politically and geographically similar, but only Sweden has chosen a more relaxed approach to lockdown.

Deaths as of today:

Sweden 477 people have died after testing positive (pop. 10.12m)

Norway 59 (pop. 5.4m)

Finland 27 (pop. 5.5m)

Denmark 179 (pop 5.6m)
I reckon ive had this. And its bloody horrible. Now day 10 of complete lockdown in the house with the family and everyone going stir crazy. No temperature. No fever but most of the other symptoms. Legs literally buckling at the slightest bit of physical exertion and being totally breathless.

Had a message from firend last night. His 74 year neighbour has just died from it. Visited family about 3 week ago. Got a cough and went rapidly downhill. Generaly fit and healthy.


I don't care what the conspiracy theory is. It's pi**ing me off looking out the window and seeing groups of idiot teenagers who have ripped the tape of the gates of the kids park and are in there acting like muppets in groups of 5 of 6. Watching the local news to see people out acting like nothing is happening. Being selfish arseholes. People aren't getting it and people that dont need to will die because of it. Why take the risk ? If we are wrong then i'll happily take as many " i told you so's" down the road. Gloat away. Trouble is, as @Edwin said, its a totally one sided bet.

Very sorry to hear this. On the plus side if you have had it you're at little or no risk or being able to give it to anyone else right now. It stresses the importance of getting a reliable antibody test!
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