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Lee owen / squillions minisites - a WARNING

Lee's heart is in the right place, and he does seem to get excellent results with his minisites. He is having a tough time out there, and you will find that persistent nagging works much better than posting such negative comments on a public forum.

Edit: Lee accepts and apologises for the fact that his work is overdue, he has been somewhat overwhelmed by the demand for his minisites which I must say really are priced very reasonably for the amount of time and effort he puts into them. I understand he has shown the OP his work to date but still needs to complete 15 unique articles and add the online shopping functionality before the sites are all finished.

A little understanding would be appreciated; Lee is working hard to clear the backlog, and aims to complete the OP's sites within 10 working days.

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I wouldn't say Lee is dishonest, I've dealt with him several times, even after he was kicked off these forums.
Just keep nipping his head with emails and he'll come through :)
Super Old thread, But figured I'd bump this back up as unfortunatly it seems Lee is at it again. Commissioned him to do some content work a month or two ago, always paid after content was delivered so built up some trust. The content wasnt ideal so had to have one of my regular content writers be an editor to be able to use it, but stupidly I felt sorry for Lee being in a tough position and thought he had some potential, as a result I considered this as a "paying forward" exersise where I can help someone, I figured id try and mold him into a writer that I could use and teach him how I'd like the content going forward in a particular structure and writing style.

Unfortunatly, this occation hasnt proven successful. After giving him an advanced payment of £560 ( which I didnt see as unreasonable, since he'd done probably the same value of work previously for payment after delivery ). He's done a runner, pretty much the second the payment was delivered the work stopped. Unfortunatly, It didnt surprise me, and it will certainly make me think twice, three times about trying to help others without getting something in return......very sad.

Being in this game and working with freelancers for over 12 years, I let my guard down for the first time in 8 years ( since I last got scammed ) so I consider myself to have heard every excuse in the book and fairly savvy. It's a shame as I genuinely wanted to help him as I do believe paying it forward to less fortunate people can be rewarding.

His new username on the forum is Midichlorian, so be aware. He might be struggling but no one deserves to loose out as a result of someones dishonesty.
Really sorry to read that Adam. Hope his conscience is pricked and he does the decent thing here.
Guy has persistence, can give him that. Adam, don't be discouraged paying it forward, because of one person like this. £560 is not pocket change but your karma has improved by 560. Learn the lesson, payment after product.
Guy has persistence, can give him that. Adam, don't be discouraged paying it forward, because of one person like this. £560 is not pocket change but your karma has improved by 560. Learn the lesson, payment after product.

Yeah it's all good, sometimes you have to be a bit more flexible. Unfortunately this one caught me out, £560 certianly isnt pocket change. Still doesnt take away that bad taste if your mouth of trying to help though. Still onwards and upwards ;)
Ahhhh good old Lee......2010 we got stung with Lee. I had heard all the stories but Lee was apologetic and I thought we could help him out. He sold us his Millwall site that he had also sold to someone else, Lee magically kept the cash and we never did get the site.......no sh*t Sherlock

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