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Lee owen / squillions minisites - a WARNING

Apr 28, 2006
Reaction score

Sorry not sure where to post this.

I know Lee was a very active member here until he got kicked off.

He emailed me his newsletter offering minisites and I was foolish enough to take out a contract for 5 with him.

He seemed like a legit guy in spite of his record here, however he has been a huge disappointment and in spite of me paying him for the sites in february being told they would take 2-3 weeks, he has still produced absolutely nothing.

He hides himself away in Bulgaria or somewhere, and is definitely the WORST person I have ever done business with online. I have never had so many bullsh!t promises broken by one person in 1000's of deals online.

I just wanted to post this here to make sure any other members considering his service think again.

Sorry to hear about this experience. Have you tried to get a refund? Does he reply to your emails?
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Sorry not sure where to post this.

I know Lee was a very active member here until he got kicked off.

He emailed me his newsletter offering minisites and I was foolish enough to take out a contract for 5 with him.

He seemed like a legit guy in spite of his record here, however he has been a huge disappointment and in spite of me paying him for the sites in february being told they would take 2-3 weeks, he has still produced absolutely nothing.

He hides himself away in Bulgaria or somewhere, and is definitely the WORST person I have ever done business with online. I have never had so many bullsh!t promises broken by one person in 1000's of deals online.

I just wanted to post this here to make sure any other members considering his service think again.


How much did he charge you for them?
Lee.... you still owe me £400!!!!!!

(I know he'll read this)
Whether he does, or he doesn't, it's not as if he can come back on here and reply is it.

Not the point tho is it. I've not forgotten he owes me and one day I'll get it out of him...
Lee is your best friend while you are giving him money, then he spends it all and ignores you, thats just how he works!
Invincibles willingness to step up to the mark in defence - says something.

Asking for email exposure though - is a rotten line . Guess Lee Owens earlier work was all good.

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You can't trust Lee He's a little bit werrrr, a little bit weyyyyyy, a little bit arrrrgggh. He's a geezer. He'll nick anything!

only joking of course, i've never had any issues with lee.
Last year my company gave him £xxx for some bulk drop catching. Needless to say I never saw anything from my investment. I am not bitter towards him or his stories of poverty and personal problems. My own fault for listening to poor advice, apparently he was the best drop catcher around.. Ho hum.
Last year my company gave him £xxx for some bulk drop catching. Needless to say I never saw anything from my investment. I am not bitter towards him or his stories of poverty and personal problems. My own fault for listening to poor advice, apparently he was the best drop catcher around.. Ho hum.

Did he refund you?
No. Kept explaining his on going situation and empty promises. Occasional email / msn but no sign of refund. I gave up chasing. He knows he owes me.
I appreciate personal issues but business is business. Rather lack of it.
No. Kept explaining his on going situation and empty promises. Occasional email / msn but no sign of refund. I gave up chasing. He knows he owes me.
I appreciate personal issues but business is business. Rather lack of it.

Sounds familiar lol
Anyone know if he's got any assets in UK? Might small claims him if so...
I have spoken with Lee on and off for a few years, and have been stung before for cash but always got it back in the end.

He has had a tough time of things, but that is no excuse to run with other peoples money.

It is frustrating as I am aware that he has lost a sizeable asset through love, and although he takes advantage of peoples generosity I feel he is exploited in that way himself. He knows I think this btw :)

This thread is interest in hindsight: http://www.acorndomains.co.uk/general-board/58535-comparing-cars.html

Incidently JMOT - you did tell him:


You cant take it with you so enjoy it......

Perhaps you should have stated not using your cash!!!

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If his company is UK based surely you could take him to small claims?

Mind you he's in Romania so doubt he'd turn up. Actually, he might ask you to pay the air fare to come over.

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