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Nominet application rejected

Sep 9, 2021
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Hi all,

I decided to apply for a Nominet membership 2 weeks ago after acquiring several UK domains recently, with a view to getting my own tag. I filled in all the relevant details, sent photos of my ID they requested and patiently waited. After a week I was emailed and asked why I was seeking membership and I explained that I was interested in discounted registrations and renewals and to use my own tag to manage my portfolio as it grows.

Another week passed by and a few minutes ago I received an email stating they regret to inform me "that at this time your application has not been approved by our legal counsel" and that I will be receiving a refund. I have no idea why that would be the case. I am located in Australia but I know that many members are outside the UK. I'm totally baffled as to why they rejected my application. The domains I own are generic, and I can't have broken any rules by just applying!
Do let us know what the reason was, and if you are able to apply again.
Never heard of a rejected membership application
[QUOTE="I'm totally baffled as to why they rejected my application. The domains I own are generic, and I can't have broken any rules by just applying![/QUOTE]

Perhaps Reichsführer Wenban-Smith thinks you're related to the notorious Bradley Norrish?

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