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Please Sign & Share Folks

Jan 4, 2015
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The petition here https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/108072

is to get FREE Meningitis Vaccinations for ALL CHILDREN

WARNING : The images in the article below are extremely upsetting and make very unpleasant viewing

I'm sure everyone has read about the little girl, Faye Burdett
who passed away on Valentines Day
: - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-35596857

and also of the brave young lad who died 2 weeks before Christmas in 2013.
He didn't even have a rash !

As a parent to a 15 month old son who is booked in to have his Meningitis jab ( which we're having to pay for ), these stories really struck home with me.

So please sign thepetition below & also share anywhere you can


Thanks folks

Also here is a link for spotting the symptoms
Signed earlier this week, although Im likely going to pay for private sooner rather than later waiting for this to all go through. Our little one missed the scheduled round of vaccinations by 6 weeks. £400 is well spent IMO.....the struggle is finding a private clinic in the area which is actually doing it, all of the ones around here had meetings after this all hit the press and none of them know whats going on yet.
If you want to vaccinate your children, that's fine by me, they're your children - but I would do a lot of research about any vaccination before giving it to your children. And I don't mean checking what any government or the BBC says.

Vaccines are being pushed by big pharma and governments...there are numerous cases of children dying as a direct result of being vaccinated, but these stories don't make the mainstream media.
Also, there are cases where schools have been hit with diseases where the majority have been vaccinated, and they got it aswell....so what the hell were they injected with?

Zika virus and macrocephaly? Pure hoax, just like the swine-flu scare several years ago. Fear is a powerful motivator, it clouds rational judgement. Actually it's worse than that...it stops people from taking a few moments to do any research from which to make rational judgement.
If you want to vaccinate your children, that's fine by me, they're your children - but I would do a lot of research about any vaccination before giving it to your children. And I don't mean checking what any government or the BBC says.

Vaccines are being pushed by big pharma and governments...there are numerous cases of children dying as a direct result of being vaccinated, but these stories don't make the mainstream media.
Also, there are cases where schools have been hit with diseases where the majority have been vaccinated, and they got it aswell....so what the hell were they injected with?

Zika virus and macrocephaly? Pure hoax, just like the swine-flu scare several years ago. Fear is a powerful motivator, it clouds rational judgement. Actually it's worse than that...it stops people from taking a few moments to do any research from which to make rational judgement.

Your comment sounds incredibly insensitive and harsh, but is actually very true. We had our son vaccinated with all the standard jabs and have thought nothing more of it. When this news story broke a few days ago, my missus went into panic mode and instinctively wanted to pay to get this vaccination too, without further review; which is absolutely understandable. However, without tempting fate, there are just so many possible viruses out there that can be serious, and equally vaccinations that have similar risks. You'll never cover them all. Naturally we had already signed the petition, but mostly because if this vaccination is important, it will be rolled-out after an extensive period of research to make sure what is being injected is safe. I'm greiving for their loss regardless, unimaginable what they must be going through! :(
I always have questions In the back of my mind with stuff like this

How much of a problem is meningitis statistically?

Why the scaremongering tactics?

Are there any risks in taking it? short term and long term

Is anyone profiting from promoting this? pharmaceutical companies etc
IZika virus and macrocephaly? Pure hoax, just like the swine-flu scare several years ago. Fear is a powerful motivator, it clouds rational judgement. Actually it's worse than that...it stops people from taking a few moments to do any research from which to make rational judgement.

Much like the war on terror and other things

Fear over facts
How much of a problem is meningitis statistically?

  • 1761 average cases of MenB in UK per year
  • 10% of survivors will have a major disability including amputations, brain damage and hearing loss
  • 33% of survivors will have minor deficits including psychological disorders & reduced IQ
  • 640,000 doses have been distributed worldwide
  • 73% in UK and 78% in Europe predicted coverage of new MenB vaccine
  • 22 years since the first meningitis vaccine introduced – Hib 1992

Other facts here : https://www.meningitisnow.org/how-we-help/campaigns/beat-it-now/faqs-on-meningitis-b-vaccine/
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Do your research about vaccinations

If you want to vaccinate your children, that's fine by me, they're your children - but I would do a lot of research about any vaccination before giving it to your children. And I don't mean checking what any government or the BBC says.

Vaccines are being pushed by big pharma and governments...there are numerous cases of children dying as a direct result of being vaccinated, but these stories don't make the mainstream media.

As the mother of a teenager who has severe autism I agree.
There are nasties like thiomersal/thimerosal and aluminium in some vaccinations, which are being phased out (ask yourself why and
do a google search).

A quick search for "vaccination meningitis thiomersal uk" yielded these
contrasting links:

I don't want to sway anybody either way.
There are pros and cons to vaccinations.
Just please do your research thoroughly before vaccinating a child.

Never vaccinate a child that is unwell.
Be extra careful if the child has shown signs of a compromised immune system, otitis media or oral candida infection - i.e. make sure they are 100% well before vaccination.
As a parent who's child has Meningitis, I've signed.

We were lucky, but on the same night as our child was admitted to hospital, another child came in with the same thing. Her parents weren't so lucky.
If you want to vaccinate your children, that's fine by me, they're your children - but I would do a lot of research about any vaccination before giving it to your children. And I don't mean checking what any government or the BBC says.

Vaccines are being pushed by big pharma and governments...there are numerous cases of children dying as a direct result of being vaccinated, but these stories don't make the mainstream media.
Also, there are cases where schools have been hit with diseases where the majority have been vaccinated, and they got it aswell....so what the hell were they injected with?

Zika virus and macrocephaly? Pure hoax, just like the swine-flu scare several years ago. Fear is a powerful motivator, it clouds rational judgement. Actually it's worse than that...it stops people from taking a few moments to do any research from which to make rational judgement.

I had swine flu, it wasn't pleasant. There are certainly questions still to be answered over Zika but taking precautions against mosquito bites I the meantime seems prudent

What sources do you trust over the BBC and the NHS? I really hope you're not referring to internet conspiracy theories or anecdotal horror stories. Or Andrew Wakefield, who has been shown to be a frankly evil fraudster who concocted bullshit for money.

Let the scientists handle the science. Without vaccination your kids would still be dying of smallpox...
I had swine flu, it wasn't pleasant. There are certainly questions still to be answered over Zika but taking precautions against mosquito bites I the meantime seems prudent

What sources do you trust over the BBC and the NHS? I really hope you're not referring to internet conspiracy theories or anecdotal horror stories. Or Andrew Wakefield, who has been shown to be a frankly evil fraudster who concocted bullshit for money.

Let the scientists handle the science. Without vaccination your kids would still be dying of smallpox...

I've had flu, that wasn't pleasant either.

Zika / mosquitoes / macrocephaly - no link whatsoever and the figures prove it (even the ones through mainstream media...at least til they pull the reports).

So, first mention of conspiracy theories....several years ago it would've been the very next post; seems that more people are waking up :D You must be one of those 'coincidence theorists' eh? Government doing a good job keeping you scared obviously.

Like an earlier poster, I have a 17yo child with autism. He's non verbal and can only communicate about eight things through a type of signing; he needs help toileting; doesn't understand danger; although he's physically able he can only go out in public if strapped in a wheelchair for his own safety, and dignity; needs 24hr care and always will; gets stared at wherever he goes; to me though he's lovely...and thank fuck he doesn't have smallpox eh!
I can't honestly say for sure that MMR was the cause of his autism, but I know many families who absolutely attribute their child's autism to it. Like switching off a light; one day normal; next day their child was gone.
BTW my ex and I have four kids in total - one older (she was a year older when she had the MMR) and the two youngest never had it, and they're all fine.

The pharmaceutical industry only benefits when people are sick. It's against their best interest to create cures that don't have side effects. My son needs medication just to get to sleep which costs £700 per month...kerching!

I've also had direct experience of how pharma companies work. I've dated a medical professional for two years, and I used to have a business partner whose high-end hotel restaurant totally relied on drug companies wining and dining GPs - £500 bottles of wine; rooms and whatever (whoever) they wanted in them, no problem. Do you think your doctor prescribes the most effective remedy for you? Or could it be the one that's not quite so good, but from the company that just paid for their awesome night last week?

If anyone feels angry at what I'm saying here please remember, I have nothing to gain by saying this. Nothing. I have tremendous sympathy for anyone whose child has any problem.
Just take the time to look at vaccinations objectively rather than as a reaction to a photo or an article in a paper. Work out the odds while realising that this isn't a no-risk equation.
You'll likely spend hundreds of hours agonising over which school they'll eventually go to; what you decide now might effect what type of school they go to.
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U.S. eugenics poster advocating for the removal of genetic "defectives" such as the insane, "feeble-minded" and criminals, and supporting the selective breeding of "high-grade" individuals, c. 1926

That's from 90 years ago and look at what's just been passed into law in the UK about modifying DNA in human embryos?

Did you read this part

Euthanasia programs

One of the methods that was commonly suggested to get rid of "inferior" populations was euthanasia. A 1911 Carnegie Institute report mentioned euthanasia as one of its recommended "solutions" to the problem of cleansing society of unfit genetic attributes. The most commonly suggested method was to set up local gas chambers. However, many in the eugenics movement did not believe that Americans were ready to implement a large-scale euthanasia program, so many doctors had to find clever ways of subtly implementing eugenic euthanasia in various medical institutions. For example, a mental institution in Lincoln, Illinois fed its incoming patients milk infected with tuberculosis (reasoning that genetically fit individuals would be resistant), resulting in 30-40% annual death rates. Other doctors practiced euthanasia through various forms of lethal neglect.[64]

In the 1930s, there was a wave of portrayals of eugenic "mercy killings" in American film, newspapers, and magazines. In 1931, the Illinois Homeopathic Medicine Association began lobbying for the right to euthanize "imbeciles" and other defectives. The Euthanasia Society of America was founded in 1938.[65]

Overall, however, euthanasia was marginalized in the U.S., motivating people to turn to forced segregation and sterilization programs as a means for keeping the "unfit" from reproducing

I don't trust the government to always have our best interests at heart.
Either way,
Zika virus or whatever other new disease that's out there

Meningitis has been around a hell of a lot longer.
and it KILLS .. FACT

Who cares if only 4 people a year contracted it

Would YOU want it to be YOUR child in that SMALL Percent ???

Sorry but people who start questioning whether its worth it or "is it the gorvernment trying to scare us " you clearly do not have children because if you did you wouldnt think like that as their safety & well being SHOULD be every parents priority

Sorry but some of the comments in this thread have really pi***d me off

Doallys, glad to hear you child is getting better
Very emotive subject naturally, but genuine question to you MNO, there are hundreds, thousands of viral infections that kill small percentages of humans every year; are you going to pump vaccinations for all possible risks into your child or does this particular virus have some prior significance to you that is the reason behind you now wanting to get it; or just because this is the current one making headline news?
Either way,
Zika virus or whatever other new disease that's out there

Meningitis has been around a hell of a lot longer.
and it KILLS .. FACT

Who cares if only 4 people a year contracted it

Would YOU want it to be YOUR child in that SMALL Percent ???

Of course not. And neither would I want mine or anyone elses child suffering from negative effects of vaccinations, which also include death.

Sorry but people who start questioning whether its worth it or "is it the gorvernment trying to scare us " you clearly do not have children because if you did you wouldnt think like that as their safety & well being SHOULD be every parents priority

No vaccine is 100% safe, but your comment here assumes they are.

Sorry but some of the comments in this thread have really pi***d me off

Doallys, glad to hear you child is getting better

All I want is that people take a few minutes to look into what they allow to be injected into their children, for their children's sake...it's not for my benefit.
Who cares if only 4 people a year contracted it

Would YOU want it to be YOUR child in that SMALL Percent ???

As Brewsters said, depends if taking the vaccine puts otherwise healthy children at risk, that is the concern.
Very emotive subject naturally, but genuine question to you MNO, there are hundreds, thousands of viral infections that kill small percentages of humans every year; are you going to pump vaccinations for all possible risks into your child or does this particular virus have some prior significance to you that is the reason behind you now wanting to get it; or just because this is the current one making headline news?

Personal to me as had a family member and a very good friend when I was 9 die from it

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