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  1. BG

    For Sale Breaks.com - Official.co.uk - Entrepreneurs.co.uk - Commerce.co.uk and more :)

    Hi All, Over the past month I've had enquiries on all the names listed below via my other thread here on acorn... So i thought what the heck let's put some buy it now options on them and see what happens, if anything, lol. Some names have traffic / Links, some are ranking, some may have sites...
  2. BG

    Offers Entrepreneurs.co.uk - Official.co.uk - Commerce.co.uk - Breaks.com - Rewind.com etc..

    Hi Guys, Please feel free to post or PM offers on the following names if of interest, thanks. Offers over £19,999 on a per name basis. * Breaks.com * Rewind.com * Pinned.com * Commerce.co.uk * Entrepreneurs.co.uk Offers over £4,999 on a per name basis. * Official.co.uk * Storefront.co.uk *...
  3. U

    For Sale Entrepreneurs.co.uk domain for sale

    I'm looking to contact the dragons and was wondering if anyone has their contact details? We've got this highly desireable domain available for immediate sale. Entrepreneurs.co.uk Contact Shane on 07831 805 020 or email shane2010 @ entrepreneurs.co.uk AskingPrice £49,995
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