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£10 .UK Right of Registration - Lets take on the big boys

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In my opinion, if you really wanted to "take on the the big boys" as you so eloquently put it, you'd be offering a low registration cost. Since really, your infrastructure is already bought and paid for apparently with your Tier 4 data centre? Plus you're a Nominet member - like most of us here. So we also know you have your £4.50 (inc. VAT) registration cost.

In actuality, what it seems like you're trying to do, is cash in on the whole thing. Much like the "big boys" you referred to.

I mean it's all fair in love and war, I just think that if you're going to do something like this don't paint it gold and cover it in glitter. You're trying to make lots of money, you're not doing it for anybody else.
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I understand - but at least it will only be an auction for those that paid to participate. Plus dividing the sale price between those within the auction is completely unique and fair (rather than FMG making money from the auction) - do you agree?

Seems better than an open auction, for sure.
I'm sorry - perhaps i have made a mistake - please explain how i mislead you and i will try my best to rectify things

Well it's never actually going to be £10 as per the title suggests, because if you do catch anything you have to then pay £100 just to enter the auction for said domain.

Saying that the auction model is quite interesting, if someone was to take a punt using your system and a premium domain was caught then they could potentially benefit financially so I can see some incentive there.

Sorry I don't wish to knock your system, I'm not a fan of non refundable orders personally but for all I know some people might really benefit from using it.
I understand your position, I do. £90k is a lot of money, and you have investors to please.

Guys if you feel it is wrong - rather than criticise - please help me to find a solution so that everyone wins.

  • If £10 is too expensive then suggest an alternative
  • If £100 for a successful catch then suggest an alternative

I like your approach here. You seem to have good character. Personally, £10 deposit isn't expensive to me, but the whole thing seems a bit confusing after that. If you catch the domain, your £10 is gone, if you don't catch the domain your £10 is also gone. Fair enough. But then if you catch the domain they also have to pay £100, or it goes to auction between people (who paid £100?? Or £10?) or if you want to avoid auction, you can pay £100 up front instead of £10? And then £250 if you're successful? So £350 (inc. VAT £420) per domain?

Seems a bit expensive, if people are banking on selling these on they don't have much margin to play with and I'm betting with £90k, you still can't compete with the likes of GoDaddy etc. which is an awful shame since your system sounds (in theory) really good.
If paying £10 per domain puts you in the race, fine, but this isn't a deposit is it, you keep that £10 per person, per domain, regardless. Signing up to a 'no win YES fee' goes against what EVERYONE else is offering. FYI.
If the domain is caught the everyone wins - not just 1 company/person

Can you give us an example of how this would work? Assuming I wanted to place an order for x.uk, how would this go down if 20 more people wanted to place an order for x.uk ?
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