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Wanted: Website Review New auctions and Bid website

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Feb 10, 2011
Reaction score
Hi, i have this new auctions and bid website, i have been working on it for some time, i have some customers already and products for sale, its free to register and advertise your own products.
I thought if someone might help me, i would appreciate if anyone would like to tell me what they like or not about my website, things they like and and don't like, i would be happy to change something, i get a lot of customers sometimes but few that register.
The website is auctionsebid.
Thank you so much.
Get rid of the GBP it looks lame.

It took me 5 clicks to get to a product listed so at present the site is as useless as a left handed right shoe.

At least your making the moves though. You've set it up and now your looking for feedback.

Best of luck with it. When it's changed please post so I can see.

Plus as it's a domain forum - the domain your using is awful.

Now if that sounded like a bad review your never going to make it. If it sounded just like someones opinion and you'll have a think you'll be fine :)
hi, thanks for the post, i think it sounded like someones opinion, i will change the website, i will remove some options so there are less clicks, thanks, and I'l remove the GBP, thanks, any suggestions for the forum.
Thanks again.
sorry to be harsh, but this 'looks' like a standard auction template and underlying code. These template sites are all over the net and never make it off the ground.

Everyone else who has ideas to take on the big boy auction players needs a USP and not just stick something up and expect it to be a hit

again sorry to be harsh
No, seriously, i have built this new auction and bid site and thought i would let people know, there might be things that i do not know that people like that i should change, for example the first replay, i actually changed those things in the website, also the second replay, im sorry if that's what you think but those website are for advertising, check again and i'm trying to build a website that customers like, and sometime the best place is in forums where people discuss about websites.
Thank you.
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