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Will I be charged twice?

Feb 11, 2020
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I'm very new to domaining and was hoping someone can offer me some advice.

I'm thinking of selling a domain name (both the .co.uk / .uk) as a pair.

They are registered with names.co.uk

I understand that I'll be charged £12 as a Nominet ownership transfer fee but will Names also charge me an extra 2x (for the .co.uk / .uk) for transferring the domain?

Many thanks in advance!
It’s traditional for the buyer to pick up the Nominet charges.

Many thanks for your reply.

Ah! Right - I wasn't sure.

What I was wondering though is whether 'names' will also charge me - just to transfer the domain name away from them?
names.co.uk aren't involved (or, they don't have to be)

You login to your Nominet account to transfer

The £12 fee goes to Nominet

If you transfer two domains at once in the same transfer it's only £12 for both
names.co.uk aren't involved (or, they don't have to be)

You login to your Nominet account to transfer

The £12 fee goes to Nominet

If you transfer two domains at once in the same transfer it's only £12 for both

Thanks - that's great news - I was fearing they were going to take a big chunk out of any sale proceeds!
Thanks - that's great news - I was fearing they were going to take a big chunk out of any sale proceeds!

It's a common misconception and a grey area registrars like to leave out of their terms or hide away somewhere. Much like Fasthosts, who think they can place 60 day transfer holds on UK domains lol. If a domain is registered in your details (most importantly your email address, or one you have access to) you can go through Nominet and transfer it that way completely avoiding any "middleman" stuff like 60 day holds on transfers - that stuff is ridiculous. Just make sure to sign up to Nominet with the email address you used for the registrant contact card at names.co.uk
It's a common misconception and a grey area registrars like to leave out of their terms or hide away somewhere. Much like Fasthosts, who think they can place 60 day transfer holds on UK domains lol. If a domain is registered in your details (most importantly your email address, or one you have access to) you can go through Nominet and transfer it that way completely avoiding any "middleman" stuff like 60 day holds on transfers - that stuff is ridiculous. Just make sure to sign up to Nominet with the email address you used for the registrant contact card at names.co.uk

Cheers for the info. Ben.

All good stuff to know!

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