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CLEARANCE: Over 200 domains at our lowest prices ever! AudioNovel(.)com IPWhois(.)org

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Apr 20, 2010
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We're having a special clearance sale to consolidate our portfolio - pricing on all the following domains is as follows with no negotiation:

Price per domain: $75 each
Price for 3-4 domains: $60 each
Price for 5 or more domains: $50 each

Domain - Keyword Search/mo (Exact Match) - Keyword CPC
AlcoholAddictionTherapy.com - 140 - $15.06
AmishQuiltsForSale.com - 390 - $0.37
AudioNovel.com - 110 - $1.11 (registered since 2005)
AwningsForCampers.com - 320 - $1.10
BabyClosetOrganizer.com - 720 - $2.01
BathroomCornerCabinets.com - 480 - $1.17
BBWDatingServices.com - 46 - $2.53
BinocularsWithDigitalCamera.com - 260 - $0.92
Black-Cherries.com - 880 - $1.06 (registered since 2007)
BookSurf.com - 73 - $0.10 (registered since 2003)
BuildFinancialSecurity.com - 0 - $0 (registered since 2007)
BuildLeanMuscleMass.com - 210 - $1.11
BurritoStore.com - 12 - $0.10
BuyingUsedTextbooks.com - 210 - $2.93
CandidaDietRecipes.com - 2900 - $0.51
CankerSoreMedicine.com - 720 - $2.32
CardboardCDSleeves.com - 880 - $2.95
CasinoSurf.com - 0 - $0 (registered since 2003)
ChinaDinnerSets.com - 260 - $1.11 (registered since 2005)
CoffeeTableWithStorage.com - 1900 - $1.01
CornerTVUnit.com - 2900 - $1.10
CouchCushionCovers.com - 880 - $0.76
CrownNecklace.com - 480 - $0.83
DCToACPowerInverter.com - 880 - $1.42
DebtConsolidationLoanRate.com - 91 - $13.10
DigitalWristWatch.com - 390 - $1.11 (registered since 2005)
DominationWrestling.com - 320 - $0.44 (registered since 2001)
ExtraMoneyToSpend.com - 0 - $0.10 (registered since 2007)
FoundationCoating.com - 210 - $5.20
FreeStandingPetGates.com - 260 - $1.64
GainLeanMuscleMass.com - 140 - $2.04
GovernmentStimulusChecks.com - 46 - $0.70
GuessThePicture.com - 590 - $0.10 (registered since 2006)
HorseRacingResultsForToday.com - 1000 - $0.12
HottestMusicVideos.com - 5400 - $0.10
HowToBecomeAContractor.com - 1000 - $2.28
HowToBecomePsychic.com - 880 - $2.16
HowToReduceWrinkles.com - 480 - $6.82
HowToWinAFight.com - 3600 - $2.50 (registered since 2005)
InversionTablesReviews.com - 390 - $1.07
LightTherapyForAcne.com - 720 - $3.80
LongTankTops.com - 720 - $0.97
ModernDeskChair.com - 480 - $2.13
MusicSubscriptionServices.com - 1000 - $1.49
NaturalSkinLightener.com - 320 - $1.98
PayOffMyHouse.com - 22 - $1.51 (registered since 2006)
PortableDVDPlayerReviews.com - 2900 - $0.27
PregnancyAfterVasectomy.com - 1000 - $7.29
PromoBoxes.com - 36 - $2.43
PunkLove.com - 1600 - $0.10
QueenSizeBedSheets.com - 390 - $1.34
QuittingSmokingFacts.com - 320 - $4.61
Revolving-Credit.com - 5400 - $8.47
RingSizeGuide.com - 2400 - $0.86
RobotForexTrading.com - 140 - $15.46
SellYourCollegeBooks.com - 210 - $2.62
SexyLittleBlackDress.com - 880 - $0.90
SilkFabricWholesale.com - 480 - $0.71
SilverPlatedTrays.com - 390 - $0.70
Small4x4.com - 1900 - $5.25
SoundFinancing.com - 5 - $0 (registered since 2003)
StrawberryShakes.com - 140 - $2.41
ToStartABusiness.com - 320 - $4.97
TroisRiviere.com - 1000 - $0.10
VasectomyReversalSuccessRate.com - 880 - $7.12
VaterSyndrome.com - 4400 - $0.95
VegetarianBurrito.com - 720 - $1.52
VideoUploadSite.com - 720 - $8.39
WaterBathCanner.com - 880 - $0.47
WeekendVacationDeals.com - 170 - $2.28
WhiteTopazEarrings.com - 260 - $1.36 (registered since 2007)
WhoAreMyNeighbors.com - 480 - $0.27 (registered since 2006)
WineDisplayRacks.com - 210 - $1.99
WoodenClothesRack.com - 390 - $1.16
AEDTraining.net - 1600 - $5.00
AtomicForceMicroscope.net - 2400 - $6.00
BankRepoCars.net - 1900 - $1.17
BrushlessDCMotor.net - 5400 - $2.33
CanalBoatsForSale.net - 6600 - $0.52
CompositeDoors.net - 14800 - $2.45
CustomWallDecals.net - 3600 - $1.55
Forex-Robot.net - 8100 - $10.03
FrenchChandelier.net - 720 - $1.52
GlassTVStands.net - 1600 - $1.31
KitchenCabinetsWholesale.net - 2900 - $2.17
MakeYourOwnInvitations.net - 4400 - $2.23
Motor-Homes.net - 14800 - $1.83
ReceivingBlankets.net - 1900 - $0.79
ReikiClasses.net - 1000 - $2.31
RollingLaptopCase.net - 1300 - $1.18
Sim-Cards.net - 6600 - $1.54
SuspendedCeilingTiles.net - 3600 - $1.96
WorkFromHomePrograms.net - 260 - $2.25
24HourPharmacies.org - 390 - $1.86
Anachronism.org - 27100 - $0.10
AnimalCostumes.org - 6600 - $0.45
AviationHeadsets.org - 1600 - $1.93
BabyBows.org - 2400 - $0.42
BadCreditMortgageRates.org - 260 - $4.21
Bogata.org - 2900 - $0.24
BrokerageOnline.org - 210 - $16.19
CalculateYourBMI.org - 2900 - $0.39
CallService.org - 880 - $12.14
CertificateOfDeposits.org - 880 - $1.46
CharlotteSchools.org - 720 - $3.79
CharterAPlane.org - 720 - $7.40
ChildrensBikes.org - 5400 - $0.71
Computer-Monitors.org - 22200 - $1.97
ConferenceCallCompanies.org - 210 - $33.51
CornerShelf.org - 9900 - $0.87
CorporateResources.org - 480 - $0.10 (registered since 2007)
CreditFixer.org - 46 - $9.91 (registered since 2007)
CyberStalker.org - 260 - $1.84
DestinationWeddingInvitations.org - 3600 - $2.32
Domiciles.org - 590 - $0.10
DressingTables.org - 12100 - $0.64
DressWatches.org - 1300 - $1.47
Embossers.org - 1000 - $2.16
EquitySecurities.org - 1600 - $9.15
ExtremeSnowboarding.org - 1300 - $1.64
EyebrowTattoo.org - 6600 - $1.39
Eye-Makeup.org - 49500 - $2.75
FinancialAbundance.org - 170 - $0.42
FinancialTerms.org - 4400 - $2.59
FloatingShelf.org - 5400 - $0.80
Flu-Shots.org - 6600 - $4.22
Fort-Worth.org - 40500 - $0.86
FreeSavingsAccount.org - 1000 - $8.16
FrenchCountryDecor.org - 5400 - $0.82
FullLengthMirror.org - 18100 - $0.78
GlycemicIndexChart.org - 5400 - $0.41
Golf-Bags.org - 22200 - $0.79
GolfDrivingRange.org - 4400 - $0.57
GPSNavigationDevices.org - 720 - $1.56
Guillotines.org - 1600 - $0.70
HairCombs.org - 4400 - $0.52
Herbivores.org - 9900 - $0.10
HolisticVet.org - 880 - $1.15
HumanHairWeave.org - 3600 - $0.68
HydrogenFuelCars.org - 480 - $0.91
i-Cash.org - 1300 - $4.92
i-Money.org - 590 - $0.10
InternationalProgram.org - 390 - $7.82
IPSecurityCameras.org - 1000 - $4.51
IPWhois.org - 33100 - $3.65
ITOutsourcingServices.org - 880 - $22.33
Katelynn.org - 1000 - $0.10
KitchenKnobs.org - 2400 - $1.24
KitchenLights.org - 6600 - $1.27
LiposuctionProcedures.org - 260 - $6.89
Live-Help.org - 2400 - $2.93
LiveInAmerica.org - 720 - $0.78 (registered since 2007)
LoanOffers.org - 170 - $7.94
LowInterestRate.org - 390 - $17.22
MagnifyingMirror.org - 3600 - $1.15
MastectomySwimwear.org - 3600 - $1.61
MastiffPuppies.org - 6600 - $0.46
MirrorTiles.org - 5400 - $0.80
MortgageNoteBuyers.org - 260 - $4.68
MotorcyclePants.org - 2900 - $0.94
MultimediaDesigner.org - 1600 - $4.92
NavigationSoftware.org - 2400 - $1.19
Noella.org - 2400 - $0.10
NowOnline.org - 1900 - $1.10 (registered since 2005)
Occultist.org - 1000 - $0.10
OfficeCleaningServices.org - 2900 - $7.50
OfficeLeasing.org - 390 - $6.00
OnlineAccountingSchool.org - 110 - $39.51
OutdoorStringLights.org - 4400 - $1.17
OverheadCrane.org - 4400 - $7.45
PaddedPanties.org - 2400 - $1.86
PersonToPersonLoans.org - 720 - $4.20
PointsOfInterest.org - 2400 - $0.72
Poker101.org - 320 - $0.10
PoliticalSystems.org - 2400 - $0.10
PortlandME.org - 14800 - $1.07
PrivatePartyAutoLoans.org - 390 - $5.48
ProfessionalCertificates.org - 590 - $5.19
PropertyInspector.org - 720 - $4.80 (registered since 2007)
QuickCashNow.org - 140 - $7.95 (registered since 2007)
RadiologyImaging.org - 390 - $4.06
ReadyToLearn.org - 720 - $0.98
RealEstateOptions.org - 260 - $3.75 (registered since 2007)
RefinanceMyHome.org - 590 - $11.56
RefinancingYourMortgage.org - 320 - $8.64
RehabTherapy.org - 210 - $4.81
RelationshipTips.org - 4400 - $2.01
RunningProgram.org - 2900 - $1.11
RunningPrograms.org - 1600 - $1.67
SalesEngineer.org - 6600 - $3.48
SalesLeadManagement.org - 590 - $22.21
SalesTracker.org - 390 - $9.52
SanDiegoEvents.org - 6600 - $0.54
SellingStructuredSettlement.org - 320 - $90.73
SkiHelmet.org - 5400 - $1.24
SkiTraining.org - 720 - $1.20
SmallBusinessEmail.org - 590 - $26.01
SmallBusinessSeminars.org - 260 - $7.32
SongsForKids.org - 12100 - $0.73
SoundLevelMeter.org - 5400 - $2.30
Summer-School.org - 27100 - $3.41
SupportDemocrats.org - 0 - $1.30
SupportRepublicans.org - 0 - $0
TableSkirts.org - 2900 - $2.99
TouchLamps.org - 5400 - $0.92
TVTonight.org - 90500 - $0.29
UltrasonicLiposuction.org - 2400 - $5.35
VideoCreation.org - 720 - $1.64
ViolinStrings.org - 6600 - $1.12
WalnutFurniture.org - 2400 - $0.96
WaterFlowMeter.org - 3600 - $3.19
WebAlerts.org - 170 - $2.40
WeekendTravel.org - 590 - $1.62 (registered since 2007)

Payment options include PayPal (if we approve), Google Checkout (if we approve), bank wire, Bank of America counter deposit, mailed check/money order, or escrow via Escrow.com (buyer pays escrow fees). Multi-forum post. If BINs are posted, timestamp determines who gets the domain. Post or PM your offers. All sales are final.
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