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Do Nominet post mail?

Sep 21, 2016
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I'm doing a transfer of a domain to someone else to complete a sale using the Nominet domain management. When it comes to entering the invoice details it asks for an address- should I expect any postal mail from Nominet, or is all business conducted via email?
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Can't remember last time I had a real letter from Nominet, it's all electronic these days, but a valid address should always be provided.
Cheers monaghan, I've put my address in, but it's good to hear that things will be sorted out instantly rather than waiting for the post to arrive:p
I'm doing a transfer of a domain to someone else to complete a sale using the Nominet domain management. When it comes to entering the invoice details it asks for an address- should I expect any postal mail from Nominet, or is all business conducted via email?
It's an instant transfer, no confirmations required via post etc etc.
Reminds me of the old days, when the postman was kept very busy just delivering my domain renewal notices , and If I remember rightly ? registration certificates by the dozen :eek:

Nope No more, thankfully - still a great team on the phone though if you've ever got a question to ask Nominet.
Reminds me of the old days, when the postman was kept very busy just delivering my domain renewal notices , and If I remember rightly ? registration certificates by the dozen :eek:

Nope No more, thankfully - still a great team on the phone though if you've ever got a question to ask Nominet.
Thanks! That's great about the phone customer service team as well, cheers.
Ah, yes, the registration certificates. I remember getting one stack so big it had been bound up with brown paper and string, like a parcel...

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