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Wanted: Domain Appraisal VRbank.co.uk .uk

Sep 21, 2007
Reaction score
decided to register VR-Virtual Reality domains
VRBank.co.uk ; .uk
any ideas?
I also registered a fair few VR domains over the last few months, no idea of valuations though, but if anything is worth registering nowadays it's got to be a VR domain surely.
I also registered a fair few VR domains over the last few months, no idea of valuations though, but if anything is worth registering nowadays it's got to be a VR domain surely.
Thank you iCodes !) Yes, I agree with you!)
more ideas, guys?
I guess it sounds a bit like a bank or repository for VR content, so could be used as a brandable. I don't see people overpaying for the .co.uk though as they'd rather have the .com.
I guess it sounds a bit like a bank or repository for VR content, so could be used as a brandable. I don't see people overpaying for the .co.uk though as they'd rather have the .com.
thank you accelerator!
more ideas?

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