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fresh store builder

  1. srccode

    New FSB Template

    I've just finished a new fresh store builder template. demo: http://www.freshstoretemplates.com/shopdeluxe documentation: http://www.freshstoretemplates.com/documentation download: http://www.freshstoretemplates.com/shoppica/ I've added loads of options and features including: Drop down...
  2. C

    Fresh Store Builder v2.7.0 Now Released

    I am pleased to announce v2.7.0 is available to all members. This is a big release with a lot of new features including the quick store setup, products in pages and fully customisable homepage products. Premium members also get an "Easy Upgrade" package. This is a separate download and...
  3. Alien

    Customised Fresh Store Builder Stores - £95 each

    Customised Fresh Store Builder Stores Hi all, I've previously posted in the FSB discussion about this current offer, but it's been swallowed up a bit in the large thread. :) We're currently offering a FSB deal (template customisation, logo and 2000 words content) for Fresh Store Builder...
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