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100 domains, 10,000+ search/mo, $99 (£62) each: ISeeWhatYouDidThere(.)com (49,500) ++

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Apr 20, 2010
Reaction score
The 100 high-search domains below are now for sale, not for the $1,000 - $2,500 they are usually listed for, but for only $99 each! Many of them are also high CPC as well, giving you a potent combination of potential high volume of search traffic to get and high quality and monetization potential of that traffic.

Domain - Global Avg Search - Avg CPC
SOLD: 33100 - $10.12
ISeeWhatYouDidThere.com: 49500 - $0.10
Leadership-Quotes.com: 60500 - $3.27
3DAnimationSoftware.net: 12100 - $2.08
Appliances-Online.net: 110000 - $1.98
BlazersForMen.net: 12100 - $1.57
Broadway-Shows.net: 110000 - $1.13
Chimney-Sweep.net: 14800 - $5.26
CivilRightsMovement.net: 74000 - $1.12
ComoBajarDePeso.net: 165000 - $0.61
CompositeDoors.net: 14800 - $2.31
DesignerSarees.net: 33100 - $0.50
Designer-Watches.net: 12100 - $3.50
Digital-Camera-Reviews.net: 90500 - $0.63
DisabilityLivingAllowance.net: 49500 - $2.49
EngineeredWoodFlooring.net: 14800 - $3.88
FreeEmailAccounts.net: 33100 - $0.88
GreekAlphabet.net: 165000 - $0.68
HairColorChart.net: 14800 - $1.80
Hair-Loss-Treatment.net: 27100 - $6.27
Hardwood-Floors.net: 18100 - $4.46
HotCelebs.net: 27100 - $0.16
JuicerRecipes.net: 27100 - $1.04
ListOfMovies.net: 49500 - $0.25
MakingAWill.net: 12100 - $2.09
Marketing-Plan.net: 74000 - $2.79
Massage-Chair.net: 22200 - $2.03
Massage-Oil.net: 22200 - $1.20
MaxiSkirts.net: 22200 - $0.94
Medicine-Cabinets.net: 18100 - $2.25
MexicanRice.net: 40500 - $0.84
MyNextHome.net: 22200 - $0.10
Pepper-Spray.net: 49500 - $0.92
Personal-Development.net: 18100 - $1.75
Pitbull-Puppies.net: 40500 - $0.75
PuertoRicoResorts.net: 12100 - $2.33
Reading-Comprehension.net: 74000 - $1.53
Retail-Jobs.net: 49500 - $0.74
Roller-Skates.net: 49500 - $0.55
RubbingAlcohol.net: 27100 - $1.25
SeptumPiercing.net: 49500 - $0.10
SexualHealthClinic.net: 14800 - $3.58
Snow-Tires.net: 12100 - $2.46
Sudoku-Online.net: 201000 - $0.73
Sushi-Bar.net: 18100 - $1.75
TechnologyInTheClassroom.net: 12100 - $2.78
Thank-You-Cards.net: 60500 - $3.30
TopTenSongs.net: 60500 - $1.90
VideoBuzz.net: 165000 - $0.82
Wall-Murals.net: 27100 - $1.50
WeddingThankYouCards.net: 14800 - $5.56
WhatIsScience.net: 74000 - $0.17
White-Dresses.net: 40500 - $1.01
YogaForWeightLoss.net: 18100 - $2.60
Ad-Hoc.org: 246000 - $0.10
Birth-Announcements.org: 22200 - $5.84
BlueFlowers.org: 18100 - $2.86
CardioExercises.org: 14800 - $2.12
CelebNews.org: 27100 - $1.03
CheapFlightsEurope.org: 14800 - $1.56
CruisesFromNewYork.org: 14800 - $2.90
CurrentTime.org: 135000 - $2.23
Election-Results.org: 40500 - $0.48
Eye-Makeup.org: 49500 - $2.73
Fast-Money.org: 18100 - $3.95
Fort-Worth.org: 33100 - $1.08
GameSchool.org: 22200 - $5.25
GarterBelt.org: 22200 - $0.67
GlutenIntolerance.org: 22200 - $1.30
HighTea.org: 49500 - $1.47
Hotel-Management.org: 27100 - $8.91
SOLD: 22200 - $4.90
HouseDoctor.org: 33100 - $1.97
HowToGetAPassport.org: 49500 - $1.29
HowToLucidDream.org: 22200 - $1.96
How-To-Stop-Smoking.org: 12100 - $3.92
Impasse.org: 40500 - $0.10
IntelligenceBureau.org: 74000 - $0.10
Life-Coaching.org: 18100 - $4.37
Loan-Consolidation.org: 18100 - $12.16
MicroscopeParts.org: 14800 - $1.80
Naturiste.org: 22200 - $0.77
OnlineInvitations.org: 18100 - $1.98
PersonalisedMugs.org: 14800 - $4.58
PianoOnline.org: 74000 - $2.39
Prime-Rate.org: 33100 - $0.11
SanDiegoNews.org: 49500 - $0.73
Satellite-Phone.org: 18100 - $5.23
SettingUpABusiness.org: 12100 - $6.09
Summer-School.org: 27100 - $3.41
Tax-Refund.org: 40500 - $4.76
TimeManagementGames.org: 49500 - $0.49
TVListing.org: 40500 - $0.64
TVOnDemand.org: 74000 - $2.06
TVTonight.org: 90500 - $0.72
UnfairDismissal.org: 14800 - $3.46
USVisaApplication.org: 33100 - $1.67
VintageEngagementRings.org: 33100 - $2.15
WaysToMakeExtraMoney.org: 12100 - $1.56
Wedding-Gowns.org: 90500 - $0.90

The prices go back up after Tuesday, October 30.

Payment options include PayPal (if we approve), Google Checkout (if we approve), bank wire, Bank of America counter deposit, mailed check/money order, or escrow via Escrow.com (buyer pays escrow fees). Multi-forum post. Timestamp determines who gets the domain. Post or PM the domains you wish to buy. All sales are final.
Last edited:
1 sold. This sale will be over on the 30th. Many of these will not be in our next $99 sale. This may be your last chance to get the best price on most of these great domains!
I'll take compositedoors.net if you can let me make payment in a fortnight?
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