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Health Check

cool, good luck! Let us know how you get on. Tempted to get one myself as having some bother in the last few years which may be food intolerance related.

I've been the same for years for the sake of £75 ( for me and the missus ) I feel it was worth it even this early on for the confirmations, if it reveals true to form that the other foods listed are an issue as well I'm more than happy to stop eating everything listed. Rice is probably the killer for me, the rest I doubt id miss as I've never been a bread eater anyway.

With the Milk I switched to A2 milk a couple of years ago and instantly saw an improvement there. If i go back to normal milk now i feel terrible within hours.
I've been the same for years for the sake of £75 ( for me and the missus ) I feel it was worth it even this early on for the confirmations, if it reveals true to form that the other foods listed are an issue as well I'm more than happy to stop eating everything listed. Rice is probably the killer for me, the rest I doubt id miss as I've never been a bread eater anyway.

With the Milk I switched to A2 milk a couple of years ago and instantly saw an improvement there. If i go back to normal milk now i feel terrible within hours.

Yes strong coffee and milk seems to definitely be bothersome for me too, already been switching to non dairy milks and noticed an improvement but still not all symptoms are gone. Sod it think I'll order one of these tests and see what it gives me.

I'd struggle with not having rice, I love the stuff!
Yes strong coffee and milk seems to definitely be bothersome for me too, already been switching to non dairy milks and noticed an improvement but still not all symptoms are gone. Sod it think I'll order one of these tests and see what it gives me.

I'd struggle with not having rice, I love the stuff!

If you havent tried A2 milk its worth a shot, It tastes exactly the same, can get it from tesco's. I went through all the crappy horrible tasting milk alternatives before i found A2.

That's really interesting, I will have to have a think about doing it myself, my diet is already annoyingly restrictive and I think I've got a good handle on what my body doesn't like

I was watching Joe Rogan talk to some kind of diet specialist the other day, they said an interesting thing about the bacteria in your gut and that it might not be the food itself you're eating sometimes that's giving you problems, so much as that type of bacteria that food is promoting in your gut that your body doesn't like


You do hear about life changing results from people with autoimmune diseases from going on all vegan diets, or all carnivore diets
That's really interesting, I will have to have a think about doing it myself, my diet is already annoyingly restrictive and I think I've got a good handle on what my body doesn't like

I always thought I had a good handle on what my body didnt like, I mentioned at the start of the thread I used to take supplements for yeast management and pro-biotics to help as well. Years of trying different things etc.

So far I've got rid of all my old habits for supplements. I'm now only doing this :

1. Vit D spray ( https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00JNG8KBS/?tag=acorn06-21 )
2. B-12 Spray ( https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B074N32T2Q/?tag=acorn06-21 )
3. Multi-Vit Spray ( https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00JNG89AU/?tag=acorn06-21 )
4. Pro-biotics, but now only 2 or 3 times a week if i feel the need. ( https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B071Y1DHLY/?tag=acorn06-21 )
5. I also use these pads on my feet 3 times a week at night ( https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01K49YC5A/?tag=acorn06-21 ) Originally i brought them to see if they helped with tinnitus, but they actually help me sleep.
6. Swithced to A2 Milk ( https://www.tesco.com/groceries/en-GB/products/287259076 )
7. Plus obviously now watching my diet according to what im supposedly intolerant to.

All a bit namby pamby but after 20 years of feeling crappy im game for trying anything now lol, the above formula so far I feel better than I have since being a teenager.

So far out of everything, I think the Vid D was a big thing for me as it's made a noticeable difference but overall I'm glad I done both thriva and intolerance labs for the hints they've given so i can keep testing what works for me. I don't think anyone will be the same, it's all about putting in the effort to see what works for you
Slightly off topic, Joe Rogan was interviewed by Aubrey Marcus, they own Onnit the supplement company. Aubrey is BIG on health, I highly recommend his book 'Own The Day' can get it on Audible & Amazon. He mentioned that allergy/intolerance tests that test the skin can be a poor test as your skin won't have the same bacteria/etc as your gut. Lots of great info on all round health, mental, physical, etc ..
@dee , they just stick on the sole of your feet, I put them on about 15 mins before I goto sleep because if you walk around with them they normally unstick. So last thing you do before shutting your eyes and in the morning take them off, give your feet a wipe as it produces black gunk.

If you get sweaty feet in the night and it comes unstuck you can just put on some ankle socks at night and it keeps it stuck.

Apparently they draw toxins out of your blood, some people they work, some they don't. For me I sleep 10x better and strangely I don't get that gammy dry feeling in my mouth in the morning when using them. Wake up feeling like I've actually had a decent sleep. I do it 2 - 3 times a week, if I don't do it for a week I can tell the difference. My other half thinks they are nonsense, but my parents and grandparents see the same benifit as I do.
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Been a while since this thread, how we all doing? did any of you do a follow up test and how were the results compared to the first?
Been a while since this thread, how we all doing? did any of you do a follow up test and how were the results compared to the first?

I'm considering doing a follow up test next month to see if my changes have made any difference. I feel they have, but will be interesting to see the results for sure.
This week I started taking omega 3 in the form of algae oil

Been vegetarian for 10+ years so had no oily fish source

Reading about it there are 3 types of omega 3, ALA found in plants and then EPA and DHA in fish and algae

You need DHA and EPA; luckily your body can use ALA and turn it into either but only at a small percent, depending where you read, anywhere from 1-15%

The only thing I could find in my diet that was decent in ALA was navy beans and broccoli which I eat maybe twice a week so I would guess I'm probably quite deficient

Symptoms of deficiency are pretty vague common stuff
  • poor concentration
  • depression/anxiety
  • trouble sleeping
  • fatigue
  • joint pain/inflammation
  • low immunity
  • dry eyes
I would say of those my eyes are often feel a little dry, my concentration isn't the best, my energy levels are a million times better since I started taking vitamin D but I hear about how some people live their lives and I certainly don't have their energy levels lol

Can't find anywhere that says a length of time you might notice a difference, I will give them 3 months taking them everyday and see if I notice any positive change
Another little health update for you all ;)

I just had my second thriva blood test; I've started to feel a bit more tired past couple months so I thought something might be up and now was a good time and I was correct

My active b12 is 23 nmol/l which is pretty deficient

b12 comes from animal products, meat, dairy, eggs. I'm vegetarian so no meat and don't really eat eggs

It's funny because in the past year I've switched to a low fodmap diet which has helped my bloating problem and general fatigue tremendously

But on the other hand, because I've stopped eating wheat/flour etc I had to give up pizza and linda mccartney slices so I gone from probably eating cheese 4-5 times a week to pretty much no dairy in general other than very occasionally so it's not surprising my b12 has dropped

Fix one problem and create another!

I do take a vegan multivitamin with 2.5ug of b12 which is 100% of rda so I thought I should be getting enough despite no dairy but how much my stomach is actually absorbing of that who knows ~ obviously not enough

b12 deficiency can cause neurological issues, some really quite scary stuff, thankfully I don't seem to be suffering from anything like that currently but I will call the doctor Monday and see what they say; I'm sure I will have to be retested and maybe given injections if it's severe enough

I've bought a b12 oral spray in the meantime which is 1200ug per four sprays (vs 2.5ug in the multivitamin), which is a healthy dose for boosting things

On the bright side though everything else looked ok, my vitamin D is now 135 nmol/l which is about a prime amount

I've hopefully caught this deficiency early enough; it's probably lucky I know from vitamin D what a deficiency feels like with the fatigue

I actually don't feel too bad generally, probably 80/100 energy I should have, whereas with low vitamin D I felt 10/100 energy
@Murray, how do you rate Thriva? Have you tried any others, I noticed 23andme were doing a sale on Amazon the other week, I was tempted. But didn't go ahead. Have you tried them? What sort of stuff does Thriva come back with?

Oh as an aside, I also think I'm lactose intolerant. I've had IBS all my life (according to the doctor) however, I have always been sceptical.
Thanks for the health update. Could it be that the pill form isn't very bioavailable in pill form, hence why some people use the oral spray option?

I've been reading a lot of articles past couple days so this is a mash of them and I might get some things wrong

The common reason people have low b12 isn't diet but because their stomach doesn't work properly to absorb it, so taking tablets isn't a good option for them

The best treatment for b12 deficiency is injections because they will inject you with 1000 and it's going straight into your blood so you will get 1000

In pill form, if you take a 1000 pill your body might only absorb 100

The spray I have is 300 per spray and to use four sprays totally 1200, but reading studies only 10% enters your blood stream so you will probably get a total dose of 120 + you will swallow the rest so potentially another 100 I guess, so of a 1200 spray dose maybe you're lucky to get 200 absorbed

A tablet and spray of the same amount, the spray will give you 2.6x the dose, which I guess makes sense with the absorption+ swallow

On the good side of things b12 isn't toxic so you can take as much as you like really, you will just pee out what you don't use, but high doses can have temporary side effects like headache, nausea, diarrhoea

I've taken the spray the last 3 days and I have to say I'm having some side effects, nothing too severe but def made me feel slightly nauseated
@Murray, how do you rate Thriva?

Very good all around, a little expensive depending how many things you get tested for but if it's your first time you can find a lot of discounts

For this test I ordered it one day, came the next, completed it that day and sent it back and got my results the following evening, so a very fast turn around

They give you results like this and the Dr comments on anything irregular

But really it's up to you to google your results and find out what they mean

Dr K von Bussmann seems a bit too relaxed for my liking about my active b12 lol which is actually, by everything I've read quite dangerous to be low in
Interesting. I've just had a look on their website and I'm wondering (and forgive me if this is totally obvious in some way) but what are the benefits of going through Thriva, if I can go to the my GP and get the same blood tests done there? It appears they test for much the same things.

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